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Davos meeting called off

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Davos meeting called off

The annual meeting by the World Economic Forum WEF has now been pushed back to the summer due to the concerning spread of the Omicron Covid variant.

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The annual meeting by the World Economic Forum WEF has now been pushed back to the summer due to the concerning spread of the Omicron Covid variant. Political and business leaders across the globe were slated to attend. The WEF will not host its anual meeting in Davos as planned in January, the organization announced. The event, which draws politicians, business executives and other major global players, has been moved back as worries grow over the spread of the Omicron Coronavirus variant. The meeting in the Swiss resort town of Davos was slated to take place from January 17 to 22, but has now been moved to “early summer,” reported DW.

“Current pandemic conditions make it extremely difficult to deliver a global in-person meeting,” the WEF said in the statement, pointing specifically to the emergence of the Omicron variant. “Despite the meeting’s stringent health protocols, the transmissibility of omicron and its impact on travel and mobility have made deferral necessary,” organizers said. Participants, however, can participate in an online session that will still take place next month. “Public-private cooperation has moved forward throughout the pandemic and that will continue apace. We look forward to bringing global leaders together in person soon,” said WEF head Klaus Schwab, as reported by DW

Clases rojo OK

Watch against contagion

In the last 24 hours 53 new cases of contagion and 11 deaths caused by Covid 19 were reported by State and Health Authorities. Contagion is being watched in Guanajuato and cases of contagion reported are over 50 in the last 24 hours, while there were 11 deaths reported. Authorities changed the color of activities to the GREEN easing restrictions on activities, both leisure and work.

State Health Authorities insist that in Guanajuato should maintain health protection measures in public spaces indoors or outdoors, as they insist in keeping down the number of contagion.


Stay home and protect yourself

The agreement by State Authorities and entrepreneurs to promote health protection measures among employees who have gone back to work are reinforced as the State goes to the GREEN color for activities. To consult the health guidelines agreed on by the parties. visit: reactivemosgto.guanajuato.gob.mx.

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