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DÄTA GTO Decision Lab is launched

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DÄTA GTO Decision Lab is launched

The new laboratory promotes innovation and decision-making The collection of data will give an edge to the decision making in Guanajuato Da cli

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The new laboratory promotes innovation and decision-making

The collection of data will give an edge to the decision making in Guanajuato

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Silao/Gto News

In order to increase capacities in terms of innovation and evidence-based decision-making in Guanajuato through the use of specialized infrastructure, tools and methodologies for the ideation, creation, design, modeling and visualization of solutions in the public, social and business spheres, the DÄTA GTO Decision Lab opens, it is a specialized center that will strengthen the capacities of the Valley of the Mindfacture in the facilities of the IDEA GTO Innovation District.


The opening event was attended by prominent personalities from the public and business spheres, who highlighted the importance of this initiative for the development of Guanajuato.

Jesus Oviedo Herrera, Secretary of Government of Guanajuato and representing Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, emphasized the State Government’s commitment to promote innovation and evidence-based decision-making. 

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Oviedo also highlighted the potential that the DÄTA GTO Decision Lab has to boost the socio-economic development of the region and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.

“Guanajuato continues to be a great brand in the big business leagues, in which the boards of directors of important and global companies fully trust. Behind this trust are public policies such as the Valley of the Mindfacture, where ideas are promoted to contribute to the growth of our State”, said Oviedo Herrera.

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The Official stressed that this space is an integral part of the great Innovation District, which includes other areas focused on promoting innovation, such as the Design Thinking Lab, the Classroom of the Future and the Smart City Factory, among others. He also highlighted that more than 16 million pesos were allocated, representing a significant investment in this initiative.

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Juan Antonio Reus Montano, General Director of IDEA GTO, presented a context on the challenges and opportunities facing the State in terms of innovation and decision-making , highlighting the relevance of the laboratory in this regard.

“This laboratory for decision making focuses on the most sophisticated and a human privilege, the act of deciding. The important thing is not the data but the reflection process so that this data is translated into correct decisions, for this reason we must clearly understand the future to be able to actively design the best present in real time”, said Reus Montano.

Clases master

Reus also highlighted some data such as that the global Big Data industry is worth 274 billion dollars, multi-sector data interactions have increased by 5,000% since 2010, Google receives more than 3.5 billion searches daily and that more than 100 billion messages on WhatsApp are exchanged daily, this information helps to observe the panorama of the current world and how the information that is generated, the Data, is a treasure that can be used to make a decision.

Eduardo Sojo Garza Aldape, IPLANEG advisor, shared his experience and knowledge on the importance of using evidence and data for strategic decision making.

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He mentioned that these type of spaces to take advantage of information and make decisions based on evidence, were popularized by the University of Arizona, which set up a theater of decisions in Washington, to be close to decision makers.

He also commented that in Mexico there are several spaces of this type in the academic sector, such as the CIDE, the UNAM, the TEC DE MONTERRY, however, the DÄTA GTO Decision Lab is unique because it is the first decision making laboratory that is public.

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“This concept has been brought to Guanajuato with the particularity that it is the first decision laboratory that is in a public institution, a common house where the decision makers are, where the citizens, businessmen, academics are, and this makes it very different to any other, where there will be data visualization and models that solve the question: what if? Which helps us make informed and collaborative decisions”, said Sojo.

The voice of the business sector was represented by Hector Tejada Shaar, national president of Concanaco Servytur, who highlighted the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to promote innovation and improve business competitiveness in Guanajuato, he also reported that the data that Concanaco Servytur generates through the Buen Fin event will be shared with the DÄTA GTO Decision Lab, nourishing it with valuable information for small and medium-sized companies.

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The Däta GTO Decision Lab is a space with the technological infrastructure to achieve immersive experiences of visualization, exploration and analysis of information for evidence-based decision-making, both for the business sector and for the public sector.

The Däta Lab helps in:

  • Construction of scenarios for decision making
  • Foresight Exercise
  • Projection of Models
  • Data Visualization
  • Methodology for decision making
  • Elaboration of Public Policies
  • Videoconferences with multiple actors
  • Analytical Learning Levels
  • Many other
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With the launch of the DÄTA GTO Decision Lab, Guanajuato takes a significant step towards strengthening its innovation and decision-making capabilities. 

This laboratory is positioned as a key space for the generation of transformative solutions that will benefit both the public, business and social spheres, thus promoting sustainable development and progress in the region, consolidating the Valley of the Mindfacture.

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