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‘Cross Connect Japan-Mexico’ promotes innovation

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‘Cross Connect Japan-Mexico’ promotes innovation

“Cross Connect Japan-Mexico” is launched and is promoted through a cooperation of Guanajuato and Japan to boost the innovation ecosystem in Guanajuat

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“Cross Connect Japan-Mexico” is launched and is promoted through a cooperation of Guanajuato and Japan to boost the innovation ecosystem in Guanajuato

Silao de la Victoria/Gto News

In order to promote and strengthen cooperation of Japan and Guanajuato, a Demo Day will be held with Mexican startups that will showcase their full potential, consolidating the state’s innovation ecosystem.

This exchange of knowledge will occur through the project: Cross Connect Japan–Mexico, which promotes innovation to solve the problems of the economic gap between states and sectors, as well as the need to improve productivity and innovation in the private sector.

Juan Antonio Reus Montano, General Director of IDEA GTO, highlighted that in Guanajuato, Mindfacture has been a public policy that has promoted the development of Guanajuato through strategic linkage. “The Valley of Mindfacture has had several collaborations with Jica, Jetro and the Japanese consulate in Guanajuato. Pitch presentations, commercial linkages and more, visualizing a Digital Guanajuato is a constant task in our State”, said Reus.

Katsumi Itagaki, Consul General of Japan in Mexico, expressed his excitement about this initiative that seeks to strengthen ties through innovation and knowledge.

As part of this activity, the Memorandum of Understanding of IDEA GTO and the Japan International Cooperation Agency was formalized, introducing effective initiatives around startups and strengthening the innovation ecosystem of Guanajuato.

During the Demo Day, more than 20 startups participated, of which only 6 made a presentation pitch, demonstrating all their strengths as Guanajuatense startups. These companies later established important connections through a networking exercise, where they took the opportunity to exchange ideas, knowledge and solutions.

To promote and accelerate startups, it is essential to strengthen communication and collaboration within the ecosystem and link various existing ecosystems. This will benefit not only startup entrepreneurs but also industries and academia in each region for their expansion and growth of sustainable economic development.

Mindfacture is articulated through the ecosystem, which in Guanajuato is identified as the Valley of Mindfacture.

Ecosystem data:

  • 1st Place in patent applications per 100 thousand EAP (IMCO)
  • 2nd place worldwide at the Fab City Awards 2023
  • Recognized as the fastest growing ecosystem in Central America by StartupBlink in 2024
  • Third Mexican State with more women studying STEM careers in the country
  • Finalist at the Smart City Expo Latam 2024 in the Smart City category along with Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi

Guanajuato positions itself as the hub of innovation in the Centro-Bajio region, establishing high-level connections and developing the potential of the most important resource, the Guanajuatenses.