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Credentials are provided to handicapped

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Credentials are provided to handicapped

Jose Grimaldo and Alejandra Gutierrez deliver credentials to 300 Leoneses with disabilities In 2022, about 914 credentials have been delivered in

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Jose Grimaldo and Alejandra Gutierrez deliver credentials to 300 Leoneses with disabilities

In 2022, about 914 credentials have been delivered in Leon

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Leon/Gto News

“The disability card is an official document issued by the federal government through State and Municipal authorities and which grants identity to people with disabilities and offers very important benefits”, said Jose Jose Grimaldo Colmenero, head of the Guanajuato Institute for People with Disabilities (INGUDIS).


Leon had the event of where 300 credentials were deivered to the same number of people with disabilities, where the head of INGUDIS recognized the support provided by Mayor Alejandra Gutierrez to actions in favor of Leoneses with disabilities and the actions that are undertaken by the Institute.

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“According to statistics from INEGI, in Leon there are 75,129 people with disabilities, which represents 4.36% of the total population in the municipality, hence the importance of the collaboration between INGUDIS and the municipality, which is always at the forefront of creating the best conditions for Leoneses”, said Jose Grimaldo.

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Mayor Alejandra Gutierrez Campos said that Leon is a city that is alive, where everyone is expected to enjoy it, “in Leon the most important is that every action we take every day is to put the person at the center and each one of us has different needs, that’s why we can’t leave absolutely no one behind, if we want to have a close government we have to have a government that reaches out”.

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Since 2016 more than 8 thousand people have processed the National Credential for People with Disabilities and in 2022 a total of 914 credentials have been issued in Leon.
Since 2018, DIF Leon has been printing the Credentials for People with Disabilities, promptly and without lines, which allows for a more agile and kind attention.

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Benefits in Leon to those who have the Credential:

  • Discount in City property taxes, in the payment of water, the registration to workshops in the House of Culture, in pagobus;  free access to the Inclusive Urban Transport (TUI), to the sports centers of the Comude, to the Leon Zoo and to the Zafari, among others like discounts in transport to other cities

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