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Covid memorial burned to heal

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Covid memorial burned to heal

Thousands gathered to watch as a memorial to people who died during the pandemic was ceremonially burned, reported BBC. The 20m temple, called Sanctu

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Thousands gathered to watch as a memorial to people who died during the pandemic was ceremonially burned, reported BBC. The 20m temple, called Sanctuary, was designed by artist David Best and has been open to visitors in Bedworth for the past week. People were invited to add messages to the memorial, which was erected at the Miner’s Welfare Park. On Saturday night it was razed to the ground to “help people heal” from the coronavirus pandemic, Mr Best said. “Sanctuary was a memorial to those lost to Covid,” the artist, who is best known for his large-scale carved structures at the Burning Man festival in the US, said, reported BBC.

Seven torchbearers from the local community, including the Dean of Coventry and local artists, set the structure alight at sunset. Helen Marriage, artistic director of producers Artichoke, said the project was conceived to “mark the nation’s losses”. She said: “The thousands of visitors who have streamed into the memorial and left messages and the thousands more who came to watch it burn have shown how necessary it was”, as reported by BBC.


Watch against contagion

In the last 24 hours 21 new cases of contagion and 0 death caused by Covid 19 were reported by State and Health Authorities. Contagion is being watched in Guanajuato and cases of contagion reported are over 20 in the last 24 hours, while there were 0 deaths reported. Authorities maintain the color of activities in the GREEN easing restrictions on activities, both leisure and work.

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