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Coordination and trust key in the CONFIA strategy

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Coordination and trust key in the CONFIA strategy

Today Guanajuato has a strategy, direction and determination. We want security to be the result of a truly collective effort of the government and so

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Today Guanajuato has a strategy, direction and determination. We want security to be the result of a truly collective effort of the government and society: Libia Dennise

The Governor of the People and the Secretary of Security and Peace met with members of the association United for Guanajuato (UNIGUA)

Leon/Gto News

The Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, led a meeting with members of United for Guanajuato (UNIGUA), to whom the results of the Operational Coordination strategy of the New Intelligence Force (CONFIA) were presented.

UNIGUA is a non-partisan civil association formed by Guanajuatense businessmen who seek to inspire and create synergy between private initiative and government institutions at all three levels.

“So that together we can restore peace and tranquility for the families of Guanajuato, there is now coordination with the Federal Government on the issue of security. We are participating every day in the security roundtables for the construction of peace, as well as in the weekly meeting of the Operational Intelligence Group”, said Libia.

“This has allowed us to take the lead in security in our State through teamwork. I have no doubt that the CONFIA strategy is a new stage, a New Beginning in terms of Security,” said the State Governor to UNIGUA members.

During this session, Mauro Gonzalez Martinez, head of the Secretary of Public Security and Peace, presented the CONFIA strategy, as a common front to:

  • The three branches of Government, the three levels of Government, the 46 Mayors, the State Public Security Forces, our Federal Government Armed Forces, the Public Prosecutor’s Offices and the citizens

“The Governor has instructed us to create the conditions for an operational and intelligent presence with effective coordination of the State, SEDENA and the National Guard in each region of our State,” said Mauro Gonzalez Martinez. 

The key points of CONFIA are:

  • 1. Regionalization
  • 2. State Intelligence Center
  • 3. Undersecretary of Operational Intelligence
  • 4. Gender Violence Response Police Station
  • 5. Anti-Extortion Squad
  • 6. Phoenix Program for Prevention
  • 7. Strengthening of the State Highway Police (PEC)
  • 8. Guanajuato Fortress, sealing borders
  • 9. Support Unit for the Collective for the Search for Persons
  • 10. Unit for the Protection of Journalists and Human Rights Defenders

Thanks to evidence-based police interventions at strategic points and research and intelligence work, as part of the results derived from this strategy, 983 requests have been made available from September 26, 2024 to February 4, 2025, which represents an increase of 1.97 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year.

The actions are carried out through the deployment of mixed cells, with the participation of an average of 250 elements of the Federal and State security forces.

“Today, Guanajuato has a strategy, direction and determination. We want security to be the result of a truly collective effort of the Government and society. There is no other way to achieve peace than by understanding that we are stronger when we are united in fighting those who harm us as a society, working on the causes, without impunity and with the full force of the law,” said the Governor.

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