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HomeThe EconomyGuanajuato

Construction to move the economy

Constructors and Government join efforts Guanajuato Government and CMIC sign an agreement to strengthen the economic reactivation, CMIC commits to

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Constructing the economy 2
Constructors and Government join efforts

Guanajuato Government and CMIC sign an agreement to strengthen the economic reactivation, CMIC commits to protect workers

SICOM, CEAG and INIFEG work with CMIC Guanajuato and commit to simplify the bureucratic processes and diversify the opportunities for different companies

Leon/Gto News

The State Government of Guanajuato, through the Secretary of Infrastructrure, Connectivity and Mobility (SICOM); the State Water Commission (CEAG) and the Institute of Educational Infrastructure in Guanajuato (INIFEG) signed an agreement with the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC) in Guanajuato, to push the economic reactivation of Guanajuato through the Construction business.

 After the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, recognized the construction sector as one of the most important mechanisms to reactivate the economy, the State organisms that pay for construction signed the agreement to contribute as well as they comply with the goals established in the “Plan de Accion Guanajuato”, which has as a strategic goal to lay the basis for a solid, sustainable, inclusive and fast recovery of the State economy.

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Accelerate the recovery

Through this agreement, the State organisms that participate are commited to apply agile and simplified processes that help accelerate the economic reactivation in the sector, complying at all moments with what is established in the Law of Public Works and Related Services and its Regulations.

Through the Official State organisms, the State Government is commited to establish the best practices that benefit the investment in the construction sector, diversifying the opportunities of participation of the different companies in the sector.

Constructing the economy 3
Constructors and workers are benefitted, as well as Government organisms

Workers are protected

CMIC reported that they commit to continue protecting construction workers as they help with the family economic stability, promoting productivity among its members and participating in the processes that the State organisms enforce for such program.

The signing parties reaffirmed their commitment to create a good environment to generate jobs, increase productivity, competitiveness and maintain those jobs; all the former as they apply the corresponding protocoles to prevent health risks, and to avoid Covid 19 contagion.

The agreement was signed by representatives of each organism and all agreed that they recognize that the construction sector is one of the most important mechanisms to reactivate the economy.

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