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Construction of La Libertad Boulevard creates 1,800 jobs

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Construction of La Libertad Boulevard creates 1,800 jobs

The People's Government is investing more than 3,025 million pesos in this project that links Dolores Hidalgo and San Miguel de Allende Guanajuato

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The People’s Government is investing more than 3,025 million pesos in this project that links Dolores Hidalgo and San Miguel de Allende

Guanajuato/Gto News

“The construction of the Bulevar de la Libertad generates 1,800 jobs, benefiting families from Dolores Hidalgo and San Miguel de Allende, who, thanks to the execution of this work, can have an income in their homes”, said the Secretary of Public Works, Juan Pablo Perez Beltran.

The Secretary paid a supervision visit and explained that the modernization of this road that connects the aforementioned municipalities, in addition to the benefits it will bring once completed, also generates a significant economic spillover for the construction sector in Guanajuato and the region.

“This project, in which the People’s Government is investing more than 3,025 million pesos, generates 1,100 direct jobs and nearly 700 indirect jobs. It is a very large and complex project that is being carried out over more than 30 kilometers and in which 125 heavy machinery units are permanently used,” said the official.

The head of the Public Works Secretary said that, to date, the works for the construction of La Libertad Boulevard or the Modernization of Federal Highway 51, as the project is also called, have a progress of 44.97% and in accordance with the instructions of Governor Libia Denisse Garcia Munoz Ledo, the works are being expedited to put it to the service of the people as soon as possible. 

Perez Beltran recalled that the modernization of Federal Highway 51 means going from an asphalt paved road with only 2 lanes, one each way, without any other equipment, to a boulevard with a length of 30.7 kilometers and 4 lanes of traffic, two each way, with a rolling surface based on hydraulic concrete, which has a longer life and lower maintenance costs.

The Secretary said that the installation of public lighting along the highway, from San Miguel de Allende to Dolores Hidalgo, is also being considered, in addition to the placement of operational signage and urban image that contemplates the colonial aspect of the two cities that the road links.

Perez Beltran said that side roads will also be built in some sub-sections, at the request of the inhabitants of the communities near the new road that will be completed in July of next year. 

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