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<strong>Compliance with labor law is verified</strong>

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Compliance with labor law is verified

The vice-secretary of Labor and Social Welfare has scheduled 300 inspections for the month of January and February 2023 in Guanajuato Authorities

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The vice-secretary of Labor and Social Welfare has scheduled 300 inspections for the month of January and February 2023 in Guanajuato

Authorities verify that companies in Guanajuato comply with the legal regulations on payment of bonuses

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Guanajuato/Gto News

To guarantee the compliance in the payment of the Year’s End bonus in the companies in Guanajuato, the Under-Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare has scheduled 300 inspections in the months of January and February 2023.


The Labor Inspection Directorate annually carries out focused campaigns to check whether the employer pays its employees the Christmas bonus on the date established by law.

Inspection personnel carry out the corresponding calculation to verify if the correct amount was paid, either for the year worked or proportionally.

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In addition to the Ordinary Inspection Orders for bonuses, complaints are also received from workers who, in their opinion, this right was violated, for which Extraordinary Inspection Orders are generated that are dealt with as soon as possible.

The Year’s End bonus is a right of workers established in the Federal Labor Law in its Article 87. All workers have the right to receive a Year’s End bonus each year that must be paid before December 20, equivalent to 15 days of salary, as minimum.

The Under-Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare, through the Labor Inspection Directorate, has done the following actions:

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  • 2020  239 Inspections
  • 2021   370 Inspections
  • 2022   306 Inspections

The telephone number of the Under-Secretary is:

  • 800-8213600
Labor compliance Companies Guanajuato 5

Personnel from the Undersecretary of Labor and Social Welfare, will answer your questions, the service for workers is completely free for the purpose of making the corresponding complaint. 

There is also an institutional email:

Complaints are received in general for alleged violations of labor regulations and complaints are dealt with through inspection visits.

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