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Commitment with children and youth is confirmed

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Commitment with children and youth is confirmed

State authorities and the University of Guanajuato lead the award ceremony of the State phase of the 29 Children's and Youth Drawing and Painting Con

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State authorities and the University of Guanajuato lead the award ceremony of the State phase of the 29 Children’s and Youth Drawing and Painting Contest 2022 , organized by the National Population Council

The exhibition “Early and Forced Children Marriages and Unions” is inaugurated

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Leon/Gto News

In the award ceremony of the State phase of the 29th Children and Youth Drawing and Painting Contest 2022, by the National Population Council; The Secretary of Government, Libya Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, endorsed the commitment of the State Government in favor of the integral development of children and youth of Guanajuato.

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“From the State Government we are working very hard so that our girls, our boys and our young people have better opportunities, so that they can dream, so that they do not drop out of school, that they continue in the classroom preparing to be the best version of you”, said Munoz Ledo.

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“Our biggest job is to guarantee the children and youth of Guanajuato not only a better future, but a present where they can become what they want to be, without any limitation, always on an equal footing, always pursuing what moves them”, said the Official.

In Guanajuato, said the Secretary of Government, we have great talent, we see in each of the drawings the vision of our girls, boys and youth in Guanajuato; and we want to continue promoting them.

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Guanajuato in the 29 Children and Youth Drawing and Painting Contest 2022, organized by the National Population Council, won first place in category “C” (13 to 15 years old) with the work “Stolen Innocences”, by Scarlett Martinez Hernandez from San Luis de la Paz.

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In addition, 14 awards were given to the first places in the state phase in categories:

  • A: 6 to 9 years, B: 10 to 12 years, C: 13 to 15 years, D: 16 to 19 years and E: 20 to 24 years

“Girls, boys and young people have a clear and deep vision of what they do not want to live and what they want to transform, so that future children and youth live in a different reality that must be built and cemented from today,” said Graciela Amaro Hernandez, General Director of the Institute of Planning, Statistics and Geography of the State of Guanajuato.

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“Those of us who have the role and the responsibility of making decisions from the family, the institutions, from any role we do in society, must assume our responsibility to establish better conditions, for that great treasure that are our girls, boys and young people”, said Luis Felipe Guerrero Agripino, Rector of the University of Guanajuato.

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