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Commitment for security is ratified in Leon

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Commitment for security is ratified in Leon

Municipality, State and Federation strengthen strategic, operational, and intelligence coordination in public security work Homicide in the Munici

Public security is improved
All join efforts for security
State strengthens security Corporations of Municipalities

Municipality, State and Federation strengthen strategic, operational, and intelligence coordination in public security work

Homicide in the Municipality of Leon, Guanajuato went down by 25.8%, informs SEDENA

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Leon/Gto News

The Government of the State of Guanajuato, the Federation and the Municipality of Leon ratified their commitment and work together for the people of Guanajuato with the comprehensive strengthening of security in the Municipality of Leon.


The Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, ratified the commitment of the authorities to strengthen strategic, operational and intelligence coordination in public security work in the municipality of Leon, with joint actions between federal, state and municipal forces in areas with more administrative offenses and crime.

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“Today we are ratifying our commitment to the families of the municipality of Leon, and of all the State of Guanajuato, to guarantee peace and social calm. And what better example than the presence of the different contingents of the National Guard, the Army, the State Public Security Forces, and the municipal police”, said the Governor.

In Leon and in the State of Guanajuato, inter-institutional coordination of the Security Forces and the three levels of government is strengthened, in order to provide better security conditions, prevent the commission of crime and impact the reduction of high-impact criminal actions, as well as improve the perception of security in the municipality.

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“This effective coordination allowed homicides linked to organized crime to decrease by 13.51 percent in 2022 compared to 2021”, said the Brigadier General, Diploma of the General Staff, Enrique Garcia Jaramillo, Commander of the XVI Military Zone.

“In the case of Leon, Guanajuato, it is one of the most successful because opf the determined and courageous actions carried out by the current administration, in this sense, Leon has reduced homicides by 25.8 percent in 2022 compared to 2021”, said Garcia Jaramillo.

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It was announced that operating in security action in Guanajuato are:

  • 180 contingents of the National Guard
  • 60 elements of the Mexican Army
  • 60 elements of the Municipal Police
  • 30 elements of the Highway Police
  • 15 Cadets of the Metropolitan Academy
  • Elements of the State Public Security Forces
  • Units of each of these corporations
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In the case of the Municipal Administration, various supports have been provided to facilitate the operation and coordination of the Federal Forces in the municipality.

A constant support by the State and Municipalities:

  • The municipality of Leon has granted more than 25 million pesos from 2017 to date
  • More than 12 million pesos for the construction of the Irapuato Military Barracks
  • Donation of a 1.2-hectare piece of land in the Villas de San Juan neighborhood for the construction of a base in Leon
  • More than 10 million pesos have been paid in rent for accommodation spaces
  • Purchase of furniture
  • Donation of water for hydration of elements of the National Guard and SEDENA
  • The donation of land in the Las Joyas Delegation for the construction of military barracks in that area is in the administrative process
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In operational matters, in 2022 joint operations were carried out, such as Operation Rafaga, focused on the prevention of crimes aboard motorcycles, and Operation Arcangel, in neighborhoods with a high crime rate.

These operations are deployed on foot, in patrol cars, bicycles, and motorcycles, as well as air patrols and the participation of special groups such as canine and mounted pairs.

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Present in the event were among other Alejandra Gutierrez Campos, Mayor of Leon; Brigadier General, General Staff Graduate, Enrique Covarrubias Lopez, Commander of the XII Military Region; Libya Denisse Garcia Munoz Ledo, Secretary of Government; Brigadier General, General Staff Graduate, Enrique Garcia Jaramillo, Commander of the XVI Military Zone; and the Brigadier General, Graduate of Staff, Jose Felipe Andrade Medina, State Coordinator of the National Guard in Guanajuato; Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini, State Secretary of Public Security; Sophia Huett Lopez, Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System of the State of Guanajuato and Mario Bravo Arrona, Secretary of Public Security of the Municipality of Leon.

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