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Come to the Jazz and Blues Festival in SMA

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Come to the Jazz and Blues Festival in SMA

The International Jazz and Blues Festival in San Miguel de Allende is waiting for you November 16 to 20 This time, along with the State of Guanaju

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The International Jazz and Blues Festival in San Miguel de Allende is waiting for you November 16 to 20

This time, along with the State of Guanajuato, the organizers carry out sustainable practices in the event

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San Miguel de Allende/Gto News

The XXVIII San Miguel de Allende International Jazz and Blues Festival will be held November 16 to 20 at 5 venues in the World Heritage City.


The Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato, through the Direction of Tourist Products, along with the municipality of San Miguel de Allende promotes this cultural tourist event related to Jazz and Blues that attracts specific tourism, generate economic and strengthens the tourism strategy of the destinations in Guanajuato.

Jazz festivals in Mexico include only music, however, in this edition San Miguel de Allende offers visitors the opportunity to enjoy the participation of 2 great Tap dancers of international stature, who generate an unparalleled performance.

Blues and Jazz Festival San Miguel de Allende 3

The Jazz and Blues Festival will present distinguished artists from:

  • Romania, the United States, Canada, Colombia, Peru and Mexico

The venues are:

  • “El Nigromante” Cultural Center
  • Fine Arts
  • Angela Peralta Theater
  • Cultural Center of Santa Maria El Obraje
Clases master

The actors participating in the XXVIII edition are:

  • Romanian Jazz Fusion Group “JazzyBIT”
  • Mexican singer “Grizz Piña Blues Band”
  • “Whitney Shay Blues Band”, from the United States
  • The tap dancers “Sarah Reich and Nico Rubio”, with the jazz group of the singer Maiya Sykes from the United States
  • “Antonio Lozoya Jazz & Blues Collective”, presenting a tribute to Stevie Wonder

Along with the State of Guanajuato, the organizers present sustainable practices in the event and they also present the map of how to get to the festival, the venues of the concerts and important points of San Miguel de Allende on the website:

Blues and Jazz Festival San Miguel de Allende 4

The venues will offer:

  • Easy access for the elderly, there will be handrails on stairs and bathrooms, as well as ramps and parking

The program will be in digital at: 

It presents information about the concerts, artists, activities and general information about the Festival through a QR.

Also, the general public will be able to enjoy free screenings of films alluding to jazz, blues and their musicians. And, the organizers of the event support the local consumption of service providers in San Miguel de Allende.

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