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COFOCE improves its Business Plan

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COFOCE improves its Business Plan

It is a tool offered to exporters and it helps them in planning their marketing Producers can better access new markets Business Plan helps exp

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It is a tool offered to exporters and it helps them in planning their marketing

COFOCE Business Plan 4
Producers can better access new markets

Business Plan helps exporters position the company, the brand and increase sales both in Mexico and abroad

Leon/Gto News

Having a Business Plan will help entrepreneurs measure their profitability by digital channel of the eCommerce, since it leads them to take better decisions based on numbers and not on perception, besides taking care of their capital, since at times they don’t consider all the hidden costs that are in digital trade.


Guidance and support

Montserrat Porras Valtierra, Assistant in Crossborder eCommerce at COFOCE, said that the organism is providing guidance and integral support to companies from Guanajuato that are interested in this tool.

“We create a forecast based in the learning or amount of data they may have, and we tell them once we have checked on all their data, Analytics, levels of conversion, then on the 6th month it will be all investment, we will not achieve sales, but in the 7th month they start recovering the investment and in the months 11th and 12th we begin talking about some matgins of profits”, said Porras Valtierra.

COFOCE Business Plan 2
Companies are benefitted by the assistance provided by COFOCE

A good strategy

“This is not a miracle, we do have a greater reach than some traditional actions. We can get there faster, but we must put up a good strategy of Storytelling, communication, direction of messages, arrive in the right moment, the right way”, said Porras Valtierra.

What we do is investigate the positioning of the brand before sales start, because today it is key to connect with your focus customers and then offer them a producto or service.

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Hundreds of companies served

Porras Valtierra tells what areas or posts can carry on this project effectively.

Since this is a necessary tool for all sectors of tradicional focus in Guanajuato, COFOCE through the Department of Digital Market, served 203 companies in 2020, the companies belong to sectors like: Agrofoods, Shoe, Industry and Services, Fashion and Textile, Shoe industry suppliers, Construction, Pets, Agro-Supply, Crafts and Decorations.

COFOCE Business Plan 3
All the support and guidance are offered by COFOCE

A joint effort

COFOCE offers a large variety of support and services that help companies not only to digitize but also to structure solid plans to improve their growth.

We start with a sensibilization reunion to know the situation of the company, in what phase of the business they are so that we can offer the necessary services and support.

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Identifying areas to improve

“Today we even have audits where from the start we can detect and say, for example, that we can not make a good plan until you optimize your eCommerce, or until you optimize your web site and besides this assistance and this coaching we also focus some of our assistance in very specific and relevant aspects of the company”, said Porras Valtierra.

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