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COFOCE celebrating its 30th anniversary

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COFOCE celebrating its 30th anniversary

It is clear that the value of institutions like COFOCE is continuity, and an example of this are the success stories of Guanajuato businessmen who ar

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It is clear that the value of institutions like COFOCE is continuity, and an example of this are the success stories of Guanajuato businessmen who are taking their products to different countries, said the Governor

The products from Guanajuato now reach 144 countries

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Silao/Gto News

“The protagonists of Guanajuato’s success story are all Guanajuato residents, who with their work and dedication strengthen institutions such as COFOCE”, said Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.


The Governor led the 30th anniversary ceremony of the Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade -COFOCE-. In the event awards were given to those who have been presidents of the council and collaborators of this institution, in addition to successful Guanajuato companies in terms of export.

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Rodriguez Vallejo said that this is a leading institution, with a great vision; where continuity with the participation of society has prevailed, and that continues to adapt to the challenges presented by the world.   

The Governor highlighted that 30 years ago in Guanajuato, exports of products were worth 300 million dollars, today with the vision and support of COFOCE to businessmen, 27 billion dollars are exported.

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The Governor highlighted that Guanajuato businessmen know how to work with quality, and now with innovation and technology they are taking advantage of opportunities to conquer new markets.

He said that there is no greater recognition for COFOCE than listening to the testimonies of Guanajuato companies that today have gone international. It has been three decades of bringing more Guanajuato to the world, of helping Guanajuato companies to grow, to potentiate their ideas and make their projects come true.

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“COFOCE has been on the side of businessmen, here the competitiveness of Guanajuato companies is promoted through Mindfacture, in innovation, generating wealth in knowledge”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

The Governor insisted that “we are very proud of an institution like COFOCE, and we acknowledge all the people who have made this institutional strength possible, especially the one who heads the Direction, Luis Ernesto Rojas Avila, congratulations to all who are part of COFOCE”.

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Rodríguez Vallejo recognized the people who have chaired the Council of COFOCE during these 30 years; “successful entrepreneurs who have put their talent to the service of our State, promoting innovation to take more Guanajuato to the world”.

Also, the Governor highlighted the companies that trusted and continue to work with COFOCE, to accept the accompaniment to conquer new markets.

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“No doubt, there will be more Guanajuato in the world, Guanajuato products will reach more countries, thanks to the work of all and the leadership of COFOCE”

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo
Governor of Guanajuato

Awards were given to successful Guanajuato companies that have been a benchmark during these 30 years in terms of exports like:

  • Talavera Castillo, Tequila Corralejo, Cuadra, Sephnos, and Grupo Plasma Automation
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The Director General of COFOCE, Luis Ernesto Rojas Avila, stressed that this institution, in addition to being a model in all of Mexico, it is also a fundamental part of the economic and social growth that Guanajuato has achieved in the last 30 years.

In Guanajuato there are more than 1,500 supported companies that have achieved exponential growth thanks to exports, not only economically, but also changing the lives of thousands of Guanajuato residents.

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Since 2016, Guanajuato is the sixth national exporter and the first non-border exporter. Guanajuato products reach 144 countries. The exporting companies contributed with more than 164 thousand jobs.

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