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COFOCE brings together technology and agro-industry

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COFOCE brings together technology and agro-industry

An agenda was created to bring closer two industrial sectors that together can raise the competitiveness of Guanajuato COFOCE generates synergy be

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Guanajuato closes 2020 with investment
Science, creativity and innovation

An agenda was created to bring closer two industrial sectors that together can raise the competitiveness of Guanajuato

COFOCE generates synergy between the Agrofood Sector and Industry 4.0 of Guanajuato

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade –COFOCE- held a commercial agenda to develop ties between companies that belong to industry 4.0 such as metalworking, automation, packaging and technology developers together with companies in the agro-food industry of Guanajuato, which is one of the sectors with the highest exports in the State and the one with the number one position in Mexico.


Currently, these two industries are growing exponentially day by day and through this initiative created by COFOCE the goa lis to work together for the benefit of both sectors, since companies in the agro-food sector import machinery, equipment, packaging material, fertilizers and agro-inputs; which can be difficult to obtain in uncertain economic and logistic times. 

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Representatives of both sectors agreed on two days of work and different business chambers of Guanajuato were also involved, as well as different State Industrial Clusters, among them:

  • CLUTIG, CANACINTRA, Food Cluster of Guanajuato y and Aerospace Cluster

Participants will work on a wider range of options and opportunities in terms of possible commercial links between Guanajuato companies in these two industrial sectors. 

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Companies of the Agrofood Sector participating are: 

  • Las 5 Estaciones, SuSazón, Mr. Lucky, UNIFOODS, Red Sun Farms

Companies of the Industrial Sector participating are:

  • Biobag, Grupo Plasma Automation, Optimen, Carto Mixcro and Bioflex

“We asked ourselves: if we have a highly developed industry to generate machines, what would happen if we join the agro-food sector (our second most relevant sector in the State) and create this synergy. To strengthen the Agrofood Cluster and instead of importing we begin to develop it in Guanajuato, that is when I call my team to organize this mission”, said Luis Ernesto Rojas Avila,  General Director of COFOCE . 

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“In Agrofoods there is not much development and that detail was missing in the vast majority for technology in this sector. And the two industries knew about how each one operates, to see how this cooperation could occxur. The agenda was divided in two days, to introduce them, to get to know each other and many companies clicked, to help each other”, said the Director of Internationalization of the Industry Sector of COFOCE.

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“We are here to support you to do business, and find more marketing channels for our companies, with the economic moment we live in today, there is no other choice than going out with all the enthusiasm because there is no more than to continue evolving within your own industry”,  said the Director of Internationalization of the Agrofood Sector of COFOCE. 

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If youwant to know more about these marketing opportunities contact COFOCE at:

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