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COFOCE brings agro-producers closer to foreign markets

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COFOCE brings agro-producers closer to foreign markets

COFOCE and CEAG, Food Cluster and No Border MX, bring the first Agroindustries business meeting in Guanajuato COFOCE participates in the first Agr

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COFOCE and CEAG, Food Cluster and No Border MX, bring the first Agroindustries business meeting in Guanajuato

COFOCE participates in the first Agroindustry business meeting to benefit Guanajuatense producers

Leon/Gto News

The first agro-industry business meeting will be held in the State of Guanajuato.

COFOCE, with the State Agro-Food Council, No Border MX and the Food Cluster, promotes this event that aims to have a business meeting where the offer of Guanajuato products and the diversity that the sector has in the State will be shown.  

“This event is focused on a business meeting where we are going to bring several buyers to Guanajuato to show the offer we have in the State; coming is a very important mosaic of countries, Oppenheimer Group, that come from Canada, they are in search of vegetables and berries; Shikis Mexican, which comes from the United States, they want Tequila, Mezcal and distillates; M Market that comes from Peru, looking for fruits, vegetables, meat, among other; Great International Foods, from the United States, who look for garlic, onions, among other; and we continue to confirm a greater number of buyers,” commented Luis Rojas Avila, General Director of COFOCE.

The business meeting will be held at the Hotsson premises on August 1, 2 and 3 with the participation of producers of Guanajuato with exporting capacity and the products that the international buyer is looking for. In addition, these producers offered, as a bonus, to give a tour on the 3rd day with the buyers so that they know part of their processes and ensure that they are of the best export quality.

Rafael Arrieta, Director of No Border MX, said that the buyers who visit this first business meeting come from countries such as the United States, Canada, Colombia, Peru, Panama and Honduras; while Colombia comes with the intention of getting to know the distillate products offered by the State, taking advantage of the designation of origin that Guanajuato has in some of its municipalities.

Carlos Munoz, President of the Food Cluster, said that the goal of this event is to offer the products that the countries demand, to know what the State can produce and that the wealth stays in Guanajuato.

“This event opens the windows for us and shows us what the consumption trend is, a transformation is coming from the CEAG and the Food Cluster, we are seeing the need to do reengineering, to see how innovation and technological development permeate and make us be more profitable,” said Carlos Muñoz.

This sector represents 1,170 million dollars from January to May of this year, which represents 0.46 percent more compared to 2023, the fresh products subsector is the one with the highest contribution with 60.14 percent increase.

During the reporting period, this sector has exported products to more than 60 destinations and they are products from more than 30 municipalities with a total of 245 exporting companies.

The three main countries receiving exports from Guanajuato:

  • The United States, Canada and Guatemala
  • With 91.20, 3.88 and 0.96 percent respectively

The main exporting municipalities are:

  • Irapuato, Doctor Mora and Silao

COFOCE informed that they will continue working hand in hand with Guanajuato businessmen so that exports from Guanajuato keep growing, and we manage to maintain constant growth.

To learn more about the national and state panorama of the opportunities that your company could have in marketing its products abroad, contact COFOCE at: