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CODE works to activate Guanajuatenses

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CODE works to activate Guanajuatenses

Governor Libia Dennise had Yendy Cortinas Lopez, Director of the Sports Commission of the State of Guanajuato as a guest on Connecting with the Peopl

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Governor Libia Dennise had Yendy Cortinas Lopez, Director of the Sports Commission of the State of Guanajuato as a guest on Connecting with the People

The goal is to integrate 2,000 physical activity groups and have 1,000 trainers to teach people how to exercise throughout Guanajuato

Guanajuato/Gto News

Guanajuato has a New Beginning in sports and physical activity, the goal is to have healthier, more participatory and more harmonious people and communities, said the Governor of the People, Libia Dennise García Muñoz Ledo.

“In this New Beginning for Guanajuato, in this Government of the People, we have sought to put a very special emphasis on people’s health and physical activity. We need a healthier population, we need to talk about healthy children, youth and older adults; that is the vision we want to share with you today.”

The State Governor led the broadcast of the program Connecting with the People, which on this occasion had as guest Yendy Cortinas López, General Director of the Sports Commission of the State of Guanajuato -CODE-.

By promoting the practice of social sport among the general public, people will improve their quality of life, “we want to promote the existence of physically and mentally healthy people,” added Libia Dennise.

CODE Guanajuato’s goal is to integrate 2,000 groups and have 1,000 trained promoters to teach people how to exercise in 250 spaces in all the municipalities of Guanajuato.

There will be special attention to women in Guanajuato, the Governor explained that these actions will also focus on people with obesity, older adults, people with disabilities, people with psychosocial risks, and the general public by reinforcing healthy habits.

“In our ‘Aliadas’ Strategy we have this option for women to join groups, taking into account their age and health condition. They can register from the 46 municipalities on the somosaliadas.com website,” said the Governor of the People.

In terms of competitions, Guanajuato ranks 4th nationally in CONADE games, an achievement that has been earned thanks to the efforts of our athletes, women and men, their families, as well as coaches, CODE itself and all those involved in this chain. In 10 years, the State of Guanajuato has moved up 15 places!

In Paris 2024 Guanajuato qualified 17 athletes for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which has been the most important achievement in the history of sport in Guanajuato.

The state has a High Performance Support Fund, which last year supported 155 athletes with more than 18 million pesos for all kinds of needs such as food, lodging, transportation and equipment.

The Governor announced that she will continue to encourage the athletes who represent the State and took the opportunity to mention that in this Government of the People there is Zero Tolerance for Violence and Harassment in Sports.

“Guanajuato has been a reference, not only nationally, but internationally. These are athletes who fill us with pride and we will continue to support them,” said the Governor. This year 2025 marks the beginning of the Olympic Cycle Towards Los Angeles 2028.

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