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CEAG-CONAGUA work to change water culture

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CEAG-CONAGUA work to change water culture

Both water organisms are working for hydric sustainability in Guanajuato A virtual meeting was organized with emphasis for Water Culture Guanaj

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Both water organisms are working for hydric sustainability in Guanajuato

A virtual meeting was organized with emphasis for Water Culture

Guanajuato/Gto News

The State Water Comission –CEAG-, the Federal CONAGUA and the water culture spaces of Guanajuato had the first virtual reunion of 2022 in order to join efforts to consolidate and strengthen hydric sustainability in Guanajuato.


Training and information

This reunions are part of the activities of training and information to preserve water that are organized with the Operating Organisms of Water of Municipalities in Guanajuato.

In the reunion emphasis was made that it is through permanent coordination that we can contribute to an integral hydric sustainability that involves all society and they all can contribute to sustainability of the vital liquid.

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The topics participants talked about in the meeting:

  • Focus with operating organisms
  • Strategic planning
  • Establish competencies
  • Digital campaigns
  • Equipment and educational material
  • Activities to promote the water culture
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The goals

For example, on the sistemic focus with the water operating organisms of Guanajuato, CEAG will develop strategic lines to work on Green economy, climate change, physical efficiency, corporative governance, financial strength, human capital and focus to user to contribute in integral hydric sustainability.

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Present in the event were:

  • CEAG
  • 71 leaders of the Spaces of Water Culture of Guanajuato
  • Municipal water representatives
  • Communication and Water Culture Direction
  • Government of Guanajuato
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