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Category: The Economy

1 67 68 69 70 71 147 690 / 1466 POSTS


The purpose of the Geographic Information, Environment, Territorial and Urban Planning Subsystem –SIGMAOT- aims to produce, integrate, generate and d [...]
Guanajuatenses get 97% of public works

Guanajuatenses get 97% of public works

Of the 387 contracts assigned by SICOM, 377 were for companies of Guanajuato Public works activate the economy of various sectors improving the qu [...]
Central Archive of Notaries is protected

Central Archive of Notaries is protected

Fire and flood prevention equipment was installed The investment was for over 10 million pesos Da click en el link al final de la nota para lee [...]
Human brain cells implanted in rats

Human brain cells implanted in rats

Rat–human hybrid brains offer new ways to study human neurological disorders, but also raise ethical questions Excitement and concern arise as sci [...]
More military elements and NG arrive

More military elements and NG arrive

Elements of SEDENA and the National Guard arrived in Guanajuato to strengthen Public Security The elements are to be deployed in 5 municipalities [...]
SICOM improves Community Hospital in Cortazar

SICOM improves Community Hospital in Cortazar

Sections of Obstetrics, Surgery and Emergencies are expanded An investment of more than 18.2 million pesos was made Da click en el link al fina [...]
A glimpse of a black hole snacking on star

A glimpse of a black hole snacking on star

Recent observations of a black hole devouring a wandering star may help scientists understand more complex black hole feeding behaviors, reported NAS [...]
Protect yourself against cold

Protect yourself against cold

Low temperatures increase the possibility of getting sick and with the arrival of a cold air mass the possibilities mutiply Da click en el link al [...]
INAEBA invites paisanos to complete school

INAEBA invites paisanos to complete school

By passing a single exam migrants and their relatives can obtain their official certificate of basic education The Education withouth Borders prog [...]
Guanajuato promotes human dignity

Guanajuato promotes human dignity

Global Dignity grants recognition to the work Guanajuato does as a promoter state through JuventudEsGTO that exalts the dignity of Guanajuatenses [...]
1 67 68 69 70 71 147 690 / 1466 POSTS