Category: The Economy
Coordination and trust key in the CONFIA strategy
Today Guanajuato has a strategy, direction and determination. We want security to be the result of a truly collective effort of the government and so [...]
Guanajuato protects jobs and strengthens its economy
The Government of the People launches the Work Plan to Address Tariffs and Economic Strengthening, to safeguard jobs and strengthen the business fabr [...]
Libia opens Economic and Tourism Summit
The Governor of the People celebrated the leadership of women and the place they hold in the decision-making in all of Mexico
This summit is organ [...]
Guanajuato consolidates strength of its economy
The State stands out with an economic growth of 5.3% in the third quarter of 2024, positioning in 5th place nationally, driven by key sectors such as [...]
The State joins effort with the tourism sector
SECTURI, Municipality and Hoteliers of Guanajuato City join efforts and public and private sectors united strengthen ties of collaboration in tourism [...]
Together we will face challenges: Libia
On a working tour of San Francisco del Rincon, the Governor of the People invited the City Council to find common ground to work for the citizens
Libia presents Financiera ‘Tu Puedes Guanajuato’
This financial institution works to provide financing and support to the sectors most neglected by traditional financial institutions
"If a bank w [...]
Japan, economic and cultural ally of Guanajuato
Japan maintains its lead as 1st place in attracting investments in the State
These projects generate prosperity and open opportunities for Guanaju [...]
MarcaGto is a pillar of the Prosperity Ecosystem
With the vision of the Government of the People, and committed to competitiveness, Officials work to strengthen the products and services of MSMEs, a [...]
Guanajuato leads national cauliflower production
Each year more than 30 thousand tons of the vegetable annually and its production is increasing
Celaya/Gto News
Guanajuato is the undisputed fi [...]