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Category: The Economy

1 2 3 148 10 / 1471 POSTS
‘Guanajuato advances with security, governance, and social peace’

‘Guanajuato advances with security, governance, and social peace’

In an exercise of transparency and democratic dialogue, the heads of the Secretaries of Government, Security, and Peace, and the CEAIV participated i [...]
‘Tu Puedes’ supports the productive sector

‘Tu Puedes’ supports the productive sector

Through the financing provided by the Government of the People, the productive sectors of Guanajuato are strengthened Salamanca/Gto News Staff [...]
Guanajuatense products are promoted at FOODEX Japan

Guanajuatense products are promoted at FOODEX Japan

Guanajuatense companies diversify and are present at FOODEX 2025 in Japan, one of the most important food fairs in the world Guanajuato presents i [...]
Forces are called to unity to guarantee national security

Forces are called to unity to guarantee national security

Marco Antonio Ramirez Tenorio, commander of the Eighth Armored Reconnaissance Regiment of the SEDENA, urges to stop being reactive and start being pr [...]
Guanajuato and Bogota consolidate tourism alliance

Guanajuato and Bogota consolidate tourism alliance

A Memorandum of Understanding is signed between the Bogota District Tourism Institute and the Secretary of Tourism and Identity of Guanajuato They [...]
SECTURI works with Purisima to promote tourism projects

SECTURI works with Purisima to promote tourism projects

The Secretary of Tourism and Identity, Lupita Robles Leon, received Mayor of Purisima del Rincon, Roberto Garcia Urbano. The Mayor of Purisima [...]
Financing Institution moves the economy of Guanajuato

Financing Institution moves the economy of Guanajuato

The “Tu Puedes Guanajuato” Financial and Support Institution promotes the closeness of the People’s Government with merchants in Purisima del Rincon [...]
SAPICA makes of Guanajuato epicenter of fashion and manufacturing

SAPICA makes of Guanajuato epicenter of fashion and manufacturing

The Guanajuato Fashion Cluster boosts the economy of Guanajuato, representing 7.6% of the GDP and generating more than 150,000 jobs that transform li [...]
Guanajuato breaks record in automotive production

Guanajuato breaks record in automotive production

With the presence of four automakers and a solid ecosystem of prosperity, Guanajuato promotes employment, investment and the transition towards elect [...]
Libia launches Caravan CONMIGOBERNADORA

Libia launches Caravan CONMIGOBERNADORA

The Governor delivered the paving of Santos Degollado Street and the main street of the Cerrito community The event is a State Government fair, wh [...]
1 2 3 148 10 / 1471 POSTS