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Category: Technology

1 21 22 23 24 25 36 230 / 353 POSTS
Watch the eclipse at the archaeological zones

Watch the eclipse at the archaeological zones

The State Institute of Culture IEC invites you to experience the eclipse in the archaeological zones of Guanajuato Más Gto/Guanajuato The upcom [...]
Health assists patients waiting for a transplant

Health assists patients waiting for a transplant

The Guanajuato Health System offers coverage to patients in the organ transplant protocol Guanajuato/Gto News The Gto Health System offers cove [...]
CICEG receives students

CICEG receives students

14 students from Technical Secondary School No. 56 take the route in the premises Pilot visits to the CICEG as a “Learning Territory” begin [...]
Empire of the ants

Empire of the ants

What insect supercolonies can teach us People have long drawn comparisons between ant societies and human ones, but in fact they are a reminder of [...]
Students are attracted to robotics

Students are attracted to robotics

Participants compete in the Quetzabot 2, organizers received 176 teams from 15 schools Para español ve al link al final de la nota Valle de San [...]
Group brings investments for 13,500 MP for Guanajuato

Group brings investments for 13,500 MP for Guanajuato

Good results are reported after the work tour to attract investments that a group of Guanajuatense Officials made in Asia The group was led by Gov [...]
A tire company will invest in Irapuato

A tire company will invest in Irapuato

The Chinese company Sailun Group announced the investment of 7,200 million pesos to create 1,400 jobs Para español ve al link al final de la nota [...]
Group clinches investment for millions in China

Group clinches investment for millions in China

IKD, a company of aluminum components announced the investment in the visit of the group from Guanajuato to the People’s Republic of China Ningbo, [...]
Peering into the tendrils of NGC 604

Peering into the tendrils of NGC 604

The formation of stars and the chaotic environments they inhabit is one of the most well-studied, but also mystery-shrouded, areas of cosmic investig [...]
Webb finds neutron star at SN-1987A

Webb finds neutron star at SN-1987A

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has found the best evidence yet for emission from a neutron star at the site of a recently observed supernova. The [...]
1 21 22 23 24 25 36 230 / 353 POSTS