Category: Security
300 elements of Sedena and NG are deployed in the Apaseo area
Sedena will intensify patrols in the State and at critical times will maintain a fixed post in the Trebol of the Apaseos
The three levels of gover [...]
Awarded, mezcal from Mineral de Pozos
Casa Cuanax received the Grand Gold Medal for the quality of its Mezcal at the Mexico Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles -CMB- competition
Governor calls to close ranks for peace in Guanajuato
The Governor swore in the members of the State Commission of Secretaries of Public Security or their Equivalents
It is important that we do this w [...]
Donovan Carrillo arrives in the Live With No Addictions
Mexican Olympic figure skater participated in the 2024 International Congress Live With No Addictions at Poliforum Leon
Leon/Gto News
The Mexic [...]
Serving is a life vocation: Libia Dennise
The Governor of the People inaugurated the Training Program for Designated Authorities -CAD- and urged to work with empathy to solve the needs of cit [...]
Presenting ‘Live With No Addictions’
The “Live with no Addictions” Congress will showcase success stories in various communities in Guanajuato
Leon/Gto News
The International Congr [...]
Executive and Judicial deliver initiatives to protect women
Guanajuato makes history with drafts for cross-cutting work that eradicate violence against women and guarantee their well-being
The International [...]
Reinforced, zero tolerance to violence against women
The People's Government presents its Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy, as well as the Protocol to Prevent and also address the workplace violen [...]
Creating safe spaces and opportunities for the young
The Director General of Youth emphasized the importance of a close collaboration by the People's Government and the municipalities
Officials work [...]
Governor announces 21 thousand homes
The head of the Executive of Guanajuato met with the heads of Infonavit and Sedatu
There is good news for the State that we will soon be making a [...]