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Category: The State

This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

1 243 244 2452446 / 2446 POSTS
Guanajuato and Arizona with a strong relationship

Guanajuato and Arizona with a strong relationship

Guanajuato and Arizona confirm their strong relationship Guanajuato and Arizona confirm their friendship and they exchange experiences among the l [...]
‘GTO Leasing Services’ public-private investment in Guanajuato

‘GTO Leasing Services’ public-private investment in Guanajuato

The Governor of Guanajuato announced the creation of “GTO Leasing Services” The State Government presents a new model of investment. Diego Sinhue [...]
Leon: 444 years of greatness

Leon: 444 years of greatness

Authorities presided the ceremony for the founding of Leon State and local authorities observe the 444th anniversary of the founding of Leon [...]
Political groups promote insecurity to destabilize the State

Political groups promote insecurity to destabilize the State

Jose Arturo Sanchez Castellanos said that when logic fails, it gives way for speculation There is not a logic reason for insecurity to be worsen [...]
Tourists pay to enter the city… and they come by the thousands

Tourists pay to enter the city… and they come by the thousands

Visitors are eager to pay to go into the city Here you must pay to enter the city An idea that is all too well knownIt is not in Guanajuato, but [...]
1 243 244 2452446 / 2446 POSTS