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Category: The State

This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

1 227 228 229 230 231 246 2290 / 2457 POSTS
SDES certifies workers

SDES certifies workers

The program of “Normalization and Certification” goes on in 2021 and it has already certified 2,871 people The goal for SDES is to keep promoting [...]
A New Year, New Dreams

A New Year, New Dreams

Gto News wishes all our readers to enjoy and receive 2021 as an opportunity to live better, to love better, to create more and to enjoy life more [...]
Celebrate our first year with us

Celebrate our first year with us

As the year comes to an end at Gto News we wish to thank you for following our work and reading our product Please keep coming back because in [...]
Students get devices to study

Students get devices to study

A program by SEG and entrepreneurs in the North East region of Guanajuato gives access to 'in the distance education' Teachers were handy to help [...]
‘Guanajuato lives great stories’

‘Guanajuato lives great stories’

The Governor of the State launched the tourism campaign at the Poliforum in Leon Leon is a main player in the Tourism sector in Guanajuato The [...]
Guanajuato closes 2020 with investment

Guanajuato closes 2020 with investment

Even amid the Covid 19 crisis new investments were secured for Guanajuato Global Companies trust in Guanajuato The new agreements are within an [...]
Construction is booming in Guanajuato

Construction is booming in Guanajuato

The sectores active in the State, promoting investment, jobs and spending Construction is active all over the State of Guanajuato The value of [...]
Jupiter, Saturn merging in night sky

Jupiter, Saturn merging in night sky

The two planets are at their closest than they have ever been in centuries A once in a life time event is occurring just above our heads Look t [...]
Kangaroos communicate with people

Kangaroos communicate with people

Kangaroos are the first wild animals to exhibit interspecies communication, say researchers That kind of behaviour is more commonly seen in animal [...]
Prepare for a year’s end at home

Prepare for a year’s end at home

Contagion keeps at high levels, and Authorities urge people to increase self protection against Covid 19. At Gto News we wish to inform about the [...]
1 227 228 229 230 231 246 2290 / 2457 POSTS