Category: The State
This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

Marca GTO emblem reaches 3,000th receiver
“Serviacero Comercial”, a construction sector company in Leon received the emblem
Authorities help producers promote their products
Marca GTO i [...]

More gear for Police Corps
Investment in the North-East region was for 93.5 million pesos, and it adds on to the 44.9 million invested in police Corps of the South and the Nort [...]

We love to do a good job… everyday
Our first Anniversary leads us to commit ourselves to do a better job everyday, we want to keep being your preferred source of news online
One [...]

A Guanajuatense at the NASA
Manuel Retana Parra works designing life support systems and control systems for the International Space Station
Some of the achievments of Manuel [...]

More infrastructure for Metropolitan areas
The State Administration is working to get resources for public works in municipalities in Metropolitan Areas
Infrastructure has improved in Metro [...]

Ten sites now “Live Great Stories”
The tourist brand “Live Great Stories” will come to more tourist destinations all over Guanajuato
This program is working to create strategies [...]

Nurses in Guanajuato are honored
The State Governor said that he is committed to guarantee the jobs of all the staff of the State Health System
Tens of nurses were representativel [...]

Training the work-force of Guanajuato
More than 10 thousand workers have been trained to make it easier for them to go into better jobs and opportunities
SDES has the best strategies t [...]

Live great stories at Cristo Rey
The secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato and service providers of the sector have worked and prepared with training in good practices to have visitors [...]

SDES supports Start-Ups
The Start-Up Network of Guanajuato creates, develops and helps new entrepreneurs from Guanajuato, promoting self employment and pushing the local eco [...]