Category: The State
This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

Ale is now Mayor elect
Ale Gutierrez became Mayor Elect of Leon for the next period 2021-2024
Ale Gutierrez is beaming with the numbers of the election
Leoneses went [...]

More routes in Guanajuato
Viva Aerobus opens new flight routes to and from San Antonio and Houston-Guanajuato
One of the most important destinations in Mexico
Guanajuato [...]

APIMEX bets on 2 fairs
The multisector suppliers expo will be held May 26th to May 28th at Poliforum Leon
ANPIC is back and they also present DIVEX in person with much m [...]

All work to recover the pride of Leon
The candidate for Mayor of Leon explains the Leon Market plan to promote online the products and services from this City
Ale was with entrepreneur [...]

Recorre Ale Villas de San Juan
La candidata fue a las calles de esta zona de León y escuchó las inquietudes, necesidades y propuestas de los habitantes
Entusiasmados esperaban a [...]

French Group invests in San Miguel
Gourp Le Bélier manufactures aluminum molds and it has among its customers many of the main auto makers in the world
Hundreds of jobs are coming t [...]

APIMEX elects David Novoa
The President of APIMEX reenacted the achievments of the institution even amid the pandemic
The entrepreneur was chosen to head the organism for t [...]

Health staff is getting tired
An exodus from the medical profession is underway, as doctors, nurses and other health care workers experience trauma, burnout and disillusionment. A [...]

French winemakers in a tragedy
First came weeks of warm weather and buds started to come out, then came a sub-zero temperature week that froze the growing buds
Vineyards face de [...]

Yahoo Answers will be gone
Questions from the “Does eating hot dogs change your voice?” to “Where can I obtain a wedgie board?” will be posted no more
El anuncio también en [...]