Category: The State
This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

211 years of Independence
Diego Sinhue entrega al pueblo de Dolores una campana, réplica de la que hiciera sonar el cura Miguel Hidalgo la madrugada del 16 de septiembre de 18 [...]

Chip shortage to last into 2023
A chip shortage is disrupting global car production and it could continue into 2022 and even 2023, a leading German car industry figure told BBC
C [...]

ZKW Group brings US$102 million in investment
The Project will add up and strengthen the new strategy of the Valley of Mindfacture in Guanajuato
The announced investment will create more than [...]

Le Bélier to invest US$100 million
The Governor notes that high end European industries with a high level of automation and 4.0 industry trust in Guanajuato
The world leader in alum [...]

A stronger relation with Michelin
Guanajuato wants to attract more innovative companies
Governor of Guanajuato has a reunion with Michelin Officials in Paris
Paris, France/G [...]

Investment for plant in Puerto Interior
ITT Motion Technologies is a world leader in production of brakes and shock absorbers
The company will invest US$40 million at its plant in Si [...]

Ferrero is committed with Guanajuato
The program will benefit physical and cognitive development of 50 thousand children and 600 teachers from Guanajuato
Governor of Guanajuato is the [...]

Pirelli to invest US$36 Million
It is a whole new investment in Guanajuato as companies strengthen trust in the State
The Italian company is increasing its yearly production [...]

Governor clinches investment
Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo talked to Nestlé Officials in Geneva and secured 160 million dollars
The company will expand its operations to [...]

‘There is no room to put these bodies’
The rate of Covid 19 deaths has increased in 42 US states in the last week, according to new data, as the spread of the more virulent coro [...]