Category: The State
This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

Free entrance to the Summer Festival
Ale Gutierrez, the Mayor of Leon, presented her request that the entrance to the Summer Festival Fair be free during the event from July 29th to Augu [...]

Young Guanajuatenses are granted health care
Young people without health insurance or care have now access to the Guanajuato Health System
Those interested must prove they have no other kind [...]

Thirty Indians jabbed with one syringe
A health official is being investigated for vaccinating 30 students with a single syringe in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, reported BBC [...]

‘A troubled river is profit for exporters’
The situation in the world presents Guanajuato with a unique opportunity to promote internationalization of its producers
COFOCE shares its inter [...]

Health Dpt. reinforces watch on Monkeypox
Staff has been trained, prevention actions have increased and all the Health System is on alert
The Guanajuato Health System reports the epidemiol [...]

Germans fear infections again
The share of people in Germany who are worried about the threat of Covid 19 has increased to 40%, according to a poll published by German broadcaster [...]

The Contigo Si card is accelerated
The Guanajuato Health Secretary now GTO Health System joins the GTO Contigo Si card program.
The affiliation modules are operated by personnel [...]

Guanajuato generates jobs
SDES promotes the generation of employment through support in attraction of investment and training Guanajuatenses
Guanajuato is 7th. In Mexico in [...]

Monkeypox spreading faster than data about it
Two months after the United States' first monkeypox case was confirmed, the total has risen to about 2,900, reported CNN. But details about those cas [...]

More species come to Guanajuato
The diversity of fauna in Guanajuato has been documented in the book 'Birds, Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles of the Protected Natural Areas in the S [...]