Category: The State
This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

Industry 4.0 is updated in Celaya
Speakers discuss on how the traditional aspects of companies are transforming from production, the product, business model and even the consumer
C [...]

Spacio i: Open innovation community
Knowledge and exprience is shared to generate business models with a global and innovative vision
Communities are created to foster the growth of [...]

Report and Commitment
Governor of Guanajuato endorses his commitment to support the development of Leon
Mayor of Leon presented her First Government Report
Da click [...]

Migrants celebrate Fiestas Patrias
92 students at the Migrant Center strengthen school and family coexistence within the National Holidays
The migrants celebrated the anniversary of [...]

Launched, the 9th Forum of Auto-Suppliers
Guanajuato is preparing to create the perfect ecosystem for the transformation to the electric car industry: Governor
More than 350 companies part [...]

Gto: Role model in Digital Transformation
Guanajuato won the Digital Transformation category, in the XII Awards for Best Practices of Local Governments 2022, of the Alcaldes de Mexico Magazin [...]

Forming the leaders of the future
The program supports those who seek to continue their studies, JuventudEsGTO is a one of a kind organization in Mexico
JuventudEsGTO and ITESM sig [...]

Program ‘Culture for All’ begins
Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español:
SEG and Forum Cultural Guanajuato join efforts to benefit more than 2,000 studen [...]

Guanajuato hosts Worldskills Mx 2022
The competition will award 20 tickets for the international stage, which will take place in various venues around the world
The young participants [...]

Auxiliaries of Notaries are authorized
Governor of Guanajuato announces that next year 140 Notaries will be granted in Guanajuato
Governor delivers licenses for Auxiliary Notaries for t [...]