Category: The State
This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

212th Anniversary of the Taking of the Alhondiga
The symbolic fire of freedom was renewed, “it is an expression of our commitment to keep the flame of love for Mexico burning: Governor of Guanajuato [...]

A WTC complex arrives in SMA
So far in this Government administration, 100 investment attraction projects have been achieved, representing 3,555 million dollars and more than 38, [...]

RAI 2022 Guanajuato presented in CDMX
It is the most important event in the Mexican industrial sector, led by Concamin, which represents 119 chambers and industrial associations
The An [...]

Coming 4th Edition of ITM by Hannover Messe
Exhibits in areas such as Research Institutes, Automation and Robotization, Digital Factory, Additive Manufacturing, Smart Logistics, Energy Solution [...]

Guanajuato presents its treasures in the Senate
The panel "GTO Mindfacture, Long-term Vision" is presented in the Guanajuato Week in the Senate of Mexico
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Medical Residency applicants evaluated in Leon
Mexican and foreign doctors who want to make a medical residency are selected
From September 27 to 29 aspirants will do the evaluation process

Tourism grows fast after pandemic
The Governor presented Merit Awards for Tourism Innovation and Competitiveness 2022 to commemorate World Tourism Day
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Working to serve better everyone at FIC
They want to provide guidance to the audience with disabilities, said Jos Grimaldo
Head of INGUDIS speaks to FIC attention staff about inclusive c [...]

Dialogue builds agreements
Legislators hold the opening session of the First Ordinary Period of Sessions of the Second Constitutional Year of the LXV Legislature of the State C [...]

MarcaGTO: A success at Mercado Libre
The Official Store 'CompraGTO' is positioned in the digital commerce portal. Local MSMEs bet on e-commerce to offer their products
Guanajuato comp [...]