Category: Health
‘Microlightning’: Life could have sparked in water droplets
It's a new twist on an old, and hotly debated, theory about the origins of life on Earth. The building blocks of life on Earth may have been fueled b [...]
Production is increased with fodder cactus
The productive capacity is strengthened with the sustainable management of fodder cactus in San Francisco del Rincon. A follow up with a practical se [...]
A Great Crusade for Children’s Health: Governor
Through the "Super League of Health" caravans, staff will carry out weight and height measurements, nutritional status assessments, oral health scree [...]
Libia presents ‘Health Super League’
The program seeks to foster healthy habits among elementary school students, also involving teachers and families to improve nutrition, physical acti [...]
Guanajuatense products are promoted at FOODEX Japan
Guanajuatense companies diversify and are present at FOODEX 2025 in Japan, one of the most important food fairs in the world
Guanajuato presents i [...]
Attention to Guanajuatense women is improved
In Connecting with People, the Governor reiterates, along with the Secretary of Women, “zero tolerance to violence against Guanajuatense women”
Li [...]
We are One with the People: Libia
The Governor of the People announced the rehabilitation of the Historic Center of Penjamo, in its first stage
Libia Dennise continues her First Go [...]
Supernova could have influenced evolution
The cichlid fish in Lake Tanganyika never knew what was coming. How could they? A star from dozens of lightyears away was to blame for what would soo [...]
Obesity of Guanajuatenses is treated
SSG serves more than 5,000 obese people in health centers in Leon
Leon/Gto News
The State Health Secretary reports that according to the Chroni [...]
Actions are promoted for prevention and peace
We are taking a very important step that has to do with the construction of peace in Guanajuato. And in the work of prevention, the participation of [...]