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Category: Health

1 2 3 11 10 / 106 POSTS
‘Microlightning’: Life could have sparked in water droplets

‘Microlightning’: Life could have sparked in water droplets

It's a new twist on an old, and hotly debated, theory about the origins of life on Earth. The building blocks of life on Earth may have been fueled b [...]
Production is increased with fodder cactus

Production is increased with fodder cactus

The productive capacity is strengthened with the sustainable management of fodder cactus in San Francisco del Rincon. A follow up with a practical se [...]
A Great Crusade for Children’s Health: Governor

A Great Crusade for Children’s Health: Governor

Through the "Super League of Health" caravans, staff will carry out weight and height measurements, nutritional status assessments, oral health scree [...]
Libia presents ‘Health Super League’

Libia presents ‘Health Super League’

The program seeks to foster healthy habits among elementary school students, also involving teachers and families to improve nutrition, physical acti [...]
Guanajuatense products are promoted at FOODEX Japan

Guanajuatense products are promoted at FOODEX Japan

Guanajuatense companies diversify and are present at FOODEX 2025 in Japan, one of the most important food fairs in the world Guanajuato presents i [...]
Attention to Guanajuatense women is improved

Attention to Guanajuatense women is improved

In Connecting with People, the Governor reiterates, along with the Secretary of Women, “zero tolerance to violence against Guanajuatense women” Li [...]
We are One with the People: Libia

We are One with the People: Libia

The Governor of the People announced the rehabilitation of the Historic Center of Penjamo, in its first stage Libia Dennise continues her First Go [...]
Supernova could have influenced evolution

Supernova could have influenced evolution

The cichlid fish in Lake Tanganyika never knew what was coming. How could they? A star from dozens of lightyears away was to blame for what would soo [...]
Obesity of Guanajuatenses is treated

Obesity of Guanajuatenses is treated

SSG serves more than 5,000 obese people in health centers in Leon Leon/Gto News The State Health Secretary reports that according to the Chroni [...]
Actions are promoted for prevention and peace

Actions are promoted for prevention and peace

We are taking a very important step that has to do with the construction of peace in Guanajuato. And in the work of prevention, the participation of [...]
1 2 3 11 10 / 106 POSTS