Category: Fashion

It is 2 years of pandemic now
It is almost 7 week of a decrease in the number of contagion and deaths caused by Covid
Guanajuatenses should still observe health protection [...]

Endemic, epidemic, pandemic: What’s the difference?
But many virologists assume that the virus will become endemic, especially with omicron. This means we will have to live with it.
A lot of peo [...]

A year of unimaginable suffering
Doctor Sanjay Gupta recalls for CNN what one year of pandemic has been for the world, Gto News presents part of his message written for CNN.
Healt [...]

The 1918 flu pandemic and Covid 19
Two years lasted the flu pandemic of 1918 and it had three waves of contagion, what we can learn from it
People are willing to use face masks as a [...]