Category: Culture
Energy sustainability is promoted
Guanajuato is in the 4th place in installed capacity to generate photovoltaic energy making good use of its geographic location
Guanajuato/Gto New [...]
Celebrate magic of the Holidays with live traditions
The Christmas Craft Festival celebrates local traditions and creativity with more than 33 artisans from 9 municipalities
From December 19 to Janua [...]
Happy Holidays from Gto News
At Gto News we want to take the time to make a pause and wish to all our readers and followers a Merry Christmas.
May the peace and calm of this c [...]
What was the Star of Bethlehem?
The Star of Bethlehem probably wasn't a star.
According to the Gospel of Matthew, the Star of Bethlehem guided three Magi, or wise men, to Jerusal [...]
Guanajuato celebrates 201 years of pride and historical memory
The Governor led the commemoration of the 201 Years of the Constitution of Guanajuato as a Free and Sovereign State and the State Flag Day
Guanaju [...]
A nativity scene strengthens the education community
The nativity consists of 13 original and creative pieces that are true works of art, while they promote collaborative work within the school communit [...]
Government of the People committed with Irapuatenses
Authorities lay the first stone of the Irapuato Municipal Security Complex
Libia Dennise delivers support, actions and deeds for the development o [...]
Sangre de Cristo Parador is activated
Guanajuato invites to know the traditions and pride in every corner, with activities to enjoy with the family during the Christmas season
The Para [...]
‘We will not lower our guard’
With the CONFIA strategy, cargo thefts have decreased by almost 55%; intentional homicides by 20%, and more than 50 anti-extortion interventions [...]
Libia inaugurates 1st State Forum on Human Rights
The People's Government makes the causes visible and addresses the needs of groups in vulnerable conditions
I believe in a Guanajuato where all pe [...]