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Category: Business

1 83 84 85 86 87 222 850 / 2220 POSTS
Guanajuato’s Attorney and Security recognized by USA

Guanajuato’s Attorney and Security recognized by USA

The SSPEG and the FGE receive joint recognition from the USA government by placing themselves in first place of State with access to the e-Trace syst [...]
Flavors are waiting for you at Jalpa de Canovas

Flavors are waiting for you at Jalpa de Canovas

A typical dish that you should taste in your next visit to the Magic Town of Jalpa de Canovas, in Purisima del Rincon, is the exquisite walnut mole, [...]
Mindfacture is an engine of Guanajuato

Mindfacture is an engine of Guanajuato

Science, innovation and entrepreneurship are some of the goals at the reunion of the Valley of Mindfacture Leon/Gto News IDEA GTO reports a suc [...]
An inclusive Guanajuato is now more real

An inclusive Guanajuato is now more real

Jose Grimaldo Colmenero presents the 2023 Annual Activities Report. “This public policy is 11 years old and we are going strong”, said the Director [...]
Guanajuato commited to innovation and development

Guanajuato commited to innovation and development

Gerardo Trujillo Flores highlights Mindfacture in Guanajuato. Innovation and social development are key for the future of the State The event pres [...]
Guanajuato declares war to influenza

Guanajuato declares war to influenza

The State Health Institute of Guanajuato has applied 790,346 doses against influenza Gto Health System works to have healthy Guanajuatenses Gua [...]
Marca GTO: Consume local this season

Marca GTO: Consume local this season

All Guanajuatenses are invited to buy products manufactured or produced in Guanajuato during the year’s end and Holiday Season Irapuato/Gto News [...]
Rocky planets can form in extreme environments

Rocky planets can form in extreme environments

An international team of astronomers has used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to provide the first observation of water and other molecules in the [...]
Police Corps to earn their Planet Youth emblem

Police Corps to earn their Planet Youth emblem

In Guanajuato, starting this year, all police institutions in the state are committed and participating to obtain their Planet Youth badge. Guanaj [...]
‘Anthrobots’, human-cell robots might help us heal

‘Anthrobots’, human-cell robots might help us heal

Tiny robots made from human cells heal damaged tissue. The ‘anthrobots’ were able to repair a scratch in a layer of neurons in the lab. Scientists [...]
1 83 84 85 86 87 222 850 / 2220 POSTS