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Category: Business

1 42 43 44 45 46 222 440 / 2214 POSTS
Guanajuato and Queretaro sign alliance for education

Guanajuato and Queretaro sign alliance for education

Guanajuato will contribute the Early Action System for School Permanence The SEDEQ will offer the thematic content of the Queretaro Early Childhoo [...]
Salud Gto held the Nursery course

Salud Gto held the Nursery course

The Gto Health System Finished a nursing research workshop at the General Hospital of Leon Leon/Gto News The Guanajuato Health Secretary closed [...]
Memory for music doesn’t diminish with age

Memory for music doesn’t diminish with age

Eighty-year-olds are able to identify familiar tunes just as well as teenagers can. The ability to remember and recognize a musical theme does not [...]
Young researchers that go to NASA are presented

Young researchers that go to NASA are presented

The collaboration of JuventudEsGTO and the AEM sets a precedent for future generations It will be in August that the beneficiaries travel to NASA [...]
COFOCE certifies Diploma in Nearshoring

COFOCE certifies Diploma in Nearshoring

The goal is that businessmen, and profiles of the sector can take their companies to a more competitive level Leon/Gto News The first edition o [...]
754 cadets graduate from Militarized Baccalaureate

754 cadets graduate from Militarized Baccalaureate

The education legacy increases in Guanajuato; in the current administration, 1,159 BBM cadets have graduated The graduates of the 2021-2024 genera [...]
Talancon is spokesperson for SSG

Talancon is spokesperson for SSG

Actress Ana Claudia Talancon is presented as spokesperson for the 'Zero Violence Against Women' campaign of Gto Health System Más Gto/Guanajuato [...]
Cybersecurity promoted in companies and institutions

Cybersecurity promoted in companies and institutions

Courses are presented to offer updated knowledge in data protection, systems and networks. With the participation of experts, the goal is to promote [...]
Entrepreneurs are supported in Silao

Entrepreneurs are supported in Silao

The System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family -DIF-, delivered a community park and technological equipment for dehydrating and preservi [...]
Governor delivers infrastructure in Cueramaro

Governor delivers infrastructure in Cueramaro

“We must close the administration strong, count on me to continue working for you", said Governor Diego Sinhue to Cueramarenses Cuerámaro/Gto News [...]
1 42 43 44 45 46 222 440 / 2214 POSTS