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Category: Business

1 132 133 134 135 136 222 1340 / 2220 POSTS
Day of Mindfacture program is presented

Day of Mindfacture program is presented

It will be 2 days of activities, presentations, conferences, results and awards Those interested can check the complete program and register at:  [...]
More public works for Salamanca

More public works for Salamanca

The modernization works of the Coria Canal are finished More works and actions are coming for the benefit of the inhabitants of Salamanca: Governo [...]
Vacations move Purisima’s economy

Vacations move Purisima’s economy

Money was spent as foreign and local tourists and visitors came to Purisima The total spending for the vacation period is registered at 28.7 MP [...]
Guanajuato makes adoption easier

Guanajuato makes adoption easier

80 Certificates of Suitability were issued for the adoption, of which 70 are aimed at children and adolescents from 0 to 7 years of age and 10 for ch [...]
Military increases staff in Guanajuato

Military increases staff in Guanajuato

1,250 elements of the Mexican army and National Guard arrived in Guanajuato to strengthen Public Security Da click en el link al final de la nota [...]
Greatness of Guanajuato in the San Marcos Fair

Greatness of Guanajuato in the San Marcos Fair

The traditions of Guanajuato are presented in the San Marcos Fair Guanajuato offers a great culture, a great tradition and a great gastronomy: Gob [...]
Flower producers are supported

Flower producers are supported

SDAyR promotes the sunflower flower production in Leon A cold room was delivered to preserve the production in La Sandia Da click en el link al [...]
Aiming at Jupiter’s moons

Aiming at Jupiter’s moons

ESA’s Juice lifts off on quest to discover secrets of Jupiter’s icy moons Jupiter, shining brightly in the night sky, has sparked fascination ever [...]
10 years of the Choir of the Bicentennial Theater

10 years of the Choir of the Bicentennial Theater

It was created in 2013 to become a community choir, able to address the wide lyrical repertoire of different periods and styles Its work during th [...]
Elementary students take a look at robotics

Elementary students take a look at robotics

In Guanajuato, robotics becomes an elementary subject in basic education Secondary and high school students exhibit this type of technology a [...]
1 132 133 134 135 136 222 1340 / 2220 POSTS