Category: Business

Tequila Festival is celebrated in Huanimaro
Huanimaro is one of the 7 municipalities in Guanajuato to have a Certificate gof Origin for Tequila
Guanajuato has a record of more than 36 thousa [...]

Governor inaugurates 5th National Meeting of MIPYMES
Here in Guanajuato we support businessmen, who are the engine of the country's economic development: Governor
Da click en el link al final de la n [...]

Recognized, excellence of graduates of TecNM Purisima
The National Association of Faculties and Schools of Engineering -ANFEI- recognizes excellence of graduates of the TecNM Campus Purisima del Rincon

The ‘Descargue Estrella’ in Leon is remodeled
The Governor of Guanajuato delivers rehabilitation works in the fresh produce sale center in Leon
You already know me, the word is fulfilled just [...]

SIGO GTO is now all over Guanajuato
Guanajuato consolidates as a national leader and pioneer as it launches a private transport and taxi application
With the App there is a fair comp [...]

TecNM Purisima projects are successful
Projects from the TecNM Campus Purisima del Rincon have done great in the local stage of the National Summit of Technological Development, Research a [...]

Companies are promoted from Guanajuato
The event is aimed at entrepreneurs working to strengthen their presence in the market and expand their businesses
On June 27 and 28, the 5th Nati [...]

UVEG is part of professionalization of police corps
UVEG and the Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System sign an agreement to promote academic development and professionalization projec [...]

NASA engineers help create a virtual world of data
From panoramic photos to 3D and now VR assisted by AI, NASA brings a new exprience in witnessing images brought in from other worlds
For almost as [...]

Festival ‘Vive el Vino’ at District Leon MX
The presence of 500 buyers and the visit of 4 thousand 500 buyers are expected
Authorities grant the recognition "Women in the Vine"
Da click e [...]