Category: Business

Guanajuato: Example in transparency of public resources
They present the structure of the audits called Beehive, by the Superior Audit of the Federation –ASF- to the municipalities of Guanajuato on federal [...]

JuventudEsGTO reaffirms commitment with UPB
Students of the Bicentennial Polytechnic University will be able to participate in the activities, programs and calls launched by the institute [...]

Jalpa de Canovas is nominated to WTO emblem
In Purisima del Rincon all are working to earn the emblem “Best Tourism Villages” of the international organism
There are 8 positions for Mexico, [...]

REYMA Group celebrates 53 years of history
The Seventh Reyma Convention offers various activities, conferences, business meetings and advice for clients and consumers
I want to congratulate [...]

Witzenmann confirms its trust in Guanajuato
The German company in Apaseo el Grande, invested 14 million dollars in a new expansion
352 jobs will be created; in 8 years Witzenmann has in [...]

Guanajuato prevents human trafficking
The Secretary of Government holds the Virtual Forum on Trafficking of Persons and Groups in Vulnerable Situations on the World Day against Traffickin [...]

Guanajuato is consolidated as a digital government
Guanajuato is first in Regulatory Compliance in the 2022-2023 Rule of Law Index of the Word Justice Project
As the State offers its procedures and [...]

Guanajuato educates migrant children
The minors were assisted in 5 Migrant Education Centers of Regional Delegation I
SEG concludes the school year for 49 migrant boys and girls
Da [...]

Community Telebachilleratos UVEG, a success in Guanajuato
Graduation ceremonies in multiple municipalities attest to its success
More than 3 thousand students graduate in this program
Da click en el li [...]

Environmental protection in Guanajuato is recognized
For the first time, Guanajuato is a provisional member of the IRF, thanks to the actions of the ANP Rangers for protecting, conserving and restoring [...]