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Category: Business

1 110 111 112 113 114 223 1120 / 2230 POSTS
SECTUR holds 3rd. Social Tourism Day

SECTUR holds 3rd. Social Tourism Day

The International Social Tourism Organization -ISTO- recognizes Guanajuato as a socially conscious destination Guanajuato has made important progr [...]
Governor inaugurates Metalsa in Apaseo El Grande

Governor inaugurates Metalsa in Apaseo El Grande

Guanajuato takes firm steps in the reconversion towards electro-mobility in the Automotive Cluster Grupo Proeza invested 180 million dollars and w [...]
Libia presents SEDESHU actions to COPARMEX-Leon

Libia presents SEDESHU actions to COPARMEX-Leon

The President of COPARMEX reiterates his support for the actions of SEDESHU in favor of families from Guanajuato “What we want is for the culture [...]
The XVI Assembly of Educational and Cultural Television starts in Leon

The XVI Assembly of Educational and Cultural Television starts in Leon

TV4 is the host of the summit that aims to improve education, culture and science through television and information and communication technologies [...]
New Guanajuatense students do robotics

New Guanajuatense students do robotics

Students from the SABES High School attend the national robotics competition 18 students will represent SABES in the national stage of WRO 2023 [...]
Sale of fruits starts in Jalpa de Canovas

Sale of fruits starts in Jalpa de Canovas

Merchants of traditional fruits in Jalpa de Canovas received support to have better sales conditions of quince, pomegranate and walnuts The Local [...]
Webb detects water in rocky planet-forming zone

Webb detects water in rocky planet-forming zone

New measurements by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have detected water vapor at distances of less than 100 million miles from the star – the regio [...]
Launched: San Miguel de Allende Festival of the Arts

Launched: San Miguel de Allende Festival of the Arts

More than 20 artists presented an exhibition of painting, engraving and photography 34% of visitors to Guanajuato are attracted by the culture [...]
In progress, Artemis Mission crew modules

In progress, Artemis Mission crew modules

The Orion spacecraft for NASA’s crewed Artemis II (right), Artemis III (left) and Artemis IV (center) missions are stationed next to each other insid [...]
Guanajuato boasts a 96% supply of medicines

Guanajuato boasts a 96% supply of medicines

Gto Health System confirms a supply of medicines above 90% The supply is guaranteed and there is supply for all the needs and illnesses that affec [...]
1 110 111 112 113 114 223 1120 / 2230 POSTS