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Category: Business

1 101 102 103 104 105 223 1030 / 2228 POSTS
SDAyR wants the ‘Guanajuato Premium Agricultural Zone’ brand

SDAyR wants the ‘Guanajuato Premium Agricultural Zone’ brand

The emblem will allow producers and marketers to place their production in more formal markets Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer e [...]
Foro Go ‘From The Inside Out’ 2023

Foro Go ‘From The Inside Out’ 2023

The 7th Edition of Foro Go “From the Inside Out”, is the most important business meeting in Mexico that will take your company to the next level D [...]
The second Hub-i starts in the municipality of Irapuato

The second Hub-i starts in the municipality of Irapuato

Entrepreneurship can arise since an early age, but it can also arise at any time in life, said the Mayor of Irapuato The center of innovation brin [...]
SSG expects a rebound in Covid 19 cases

SSG expects a rebound in Covid 19 cases

GtoHealthSystem is advising to reinforce self protection and wear a face mask because positivity will increase from 10 to 20 per cent Da click en [...]
Support is announced for young mothers and pregnant students

Support is announced for young mothers and pregnant students

The call will close on October 30 and the results will be published in five stages Financial support will depend on the academic level of the bene [...]
No casualties on Independence weekend

No casualties on Independence weekend

During the commemorative ceremonies of the 213th  Anniversary of the Call for Independence and the civic parades in the State of Guanajuato [...]
Regulatory improvement advances in Guanajuato

Regulatory improvement advances in Guanajuato

The policy of regulatory improvement strengthens the local economy, attracting investments, generating and preserving jobs The State Administratio [...]
Guanajuato educates for peace

Guanajuato educates for peace

SEG will hold School Week for Peace for basic and upper secondary education students It will be the tenth edition with activities from September 1 [...]
NASA’s Webb Snaps Supersonic Outflow of Young Star

NASA’s Webb Snaps Supersonic Outflow of Young Star

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has captured a high-resolution look at Herbig-Haro 211 (HH 211), a bipolar jet traveling through interstellar space [...]
UVEG and UACJ strengthen collaboration in Academia and Research

UVEG and UACJ strengthen collaboration in Academia and Research

Both promote activities related to teacher training between both institutions The organisms unite experience to benefit their students Da click [...]
1 101 102 103 104 105 223 1030 / 2228 POSTS