Secretary of Education of Guanajuato and CANACINTRA Leon sign agreement to make of the industry into a Learning Territory Leon/Gto News Within
Secretary of Education of Guanajuato and CANACINTRA Leon sign agreement to make of the industry into a Learning Territory
Leon/Gto News
Within the framework of the social pact for education, the signing of the collaboration agreement and unveiling of the plaque was held by the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato and the National Chamber of the Processing Industry -CANACINTRA-. in Leon.

The purpose of the signing and unveiling of the plaque is to strengthen the participation agreement of the Learning Territories and CANACINTRA project, and the link and presence of the Secretary of Education before the business community for the consolidation of a bilateral collaboration agreement that, in addition, offers proposals of educational value to Guanajuato’s education community.

The signing of the agreement and unveiling of the plaque was carried out by the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato, Jorge Enrique Hernandez Meza; the General Director of CANACINTRA in Leon, Monica Alonso Flores and the President of CANACINTRA, Jose de Jesus Hernandez Fuentes.
The Secretary of Education, Jorge Hernandez, noted the importance of this alliance for the development of young talent in Guanajuato, pointing out that this strengthens the approach and collaboration between the industry as a territory of learning and education, in benefit of the community, because now children and young people will be able to have direct contact with the way a company is managed, how the industry is developed in Guanajuato and thus make better decisions for their future and education.

Engineer Jose de Jesus Hernandez Fuentes, president of CANACINTRA, said that the Learning Territories project is an achievement that goes beyond the classroom, which helps to learn in a more intimate, authentic and fun way.
Fuentes said that receiving students, young people and teachers at CANACINTRA will give the opportunity to experience new ways of learning in the industrialists’ house and commits them to continue being a chamber open to new generations of students.

To date, in Guanajuato there are 118 Learning Territories, of which 13 are in León. More than 286 thousand students have participated in activities within these premises, including 41 thousand students in upper secondary education and more than 30 thousand in higher education.

The Learning Territories are a pedagogical attention project that seeks to create teaching-learning experiences by students and teachers based on reality to take advantage of the geographical, social, historical, cultural and natural contexts that promote significant learning and strengthen skills, cognitive, socio-emotional and multicultural competencies of our students.
Various activities such as school tours, education camps and academic visits can be carried out in the Learning Territories.