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<strong>Building leadership of women in security</strong>

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Building leadership of women in security

The course on “Women's Leadership in Security Institutions” is presented The study is coordinated by the Executive Secretary of the State Public S

Huett highlights security in Guanajuato
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The course on “Women’s Leadership in Security Institutions” is presented

The study is coordinated by the Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The course “Strengthening women’s leadership in security institutions” was launched, it is coordinated by the Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, with the support of the University of Guanajuato.


35 policewomen participated, they are members of the corps of municipalities of: Dolores Hidalgo, Irapuato, Guanajuato, San Francisco del Rincon, Celaya, Penjamo, Silao, San Jose Iturbide, Leon, Apaseo el Alto, Apaseo el Grande and Salvatierra.

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The Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, Sophia Huett Lopez, welcoming the participants, on behalf of the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, highlighted that although the participation of women in security has increased, in the municipal level, going from 6.7 percent to 10 percent, there is still a lot to be done, and more in terms of command.

Huett Lopez quoted the resolution 1325, on Women, Peace and Security, issued by the Security Council of the United Nations Organization, which highlights the importance of women’s participation in all initiatives aimed at maintaining and promoting peace. and security, as well as in decision-making, and in conflict prevention and resolution actions.

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“And these are the objectives of this course, to foster personal and managerial skills in women, leadership issues, and provide them with tools that allow them to continue with their professional and personal development”, said the Secretary

Huett Lopez said that it is time for women and men to team up, to do things in a different way, with greater sensitivity, emotion, and heart, and to use “our greatest vulnerability, our greatest strength,” and begin to obtain different results, with bigger and better security solutions.

Clases master

Luis Felipe Guerrero Agripino, rector of the University of Guanajuato, recognized the importance of this course and stressed that one of the main problems that afflicts us as a society is insecurity, and institutions must have an influence in the solutions, as part of this social commitment, and in which the participation of women, generating empathy with society, has shown scientifically that it contributes to reduce the levels of violence, so by taking this course, there is the possibility of strengthening institutions, which is why the University joins this initiative.

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“There will be a before and after this course, and you have the vocation and the decision and it is up to us as institutions to accompany you with your training,” said Guerrero.

Monzerrat Mendoza Cano, Mayor of Apaseo el Alto, on behalf of the participating municipalities, pointed out that it is the time to break paradigms, and leave behind the exclusion that women were subjected to, “you go out to work every day , and you are an essential part of your families, you are and will always be that fundamental pillar to ensure peace and tranquility for the people of Guanajuato”.

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