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Bridge is started on Federal 45 in Irapuato

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Bridge is started on Federal 45 in Irapuato

The investment is for 131.4 million pesos and it will be at the entrance to the CRIT Irapuato/Gto News The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue

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The investment is for 131.4 million pesos and it will be at the entrance to the CRIT

Irapuato/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, started work on the construction of the vehicular bridge over federal highway 45, at the junction with Siglo XXI boulevard.

131.4 million pesos of State resources will be invested in this work, because although it is true that this highway corresponds to the Federation, it will be the State that will provide the resource to benefit more than 200 thousand people.

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“Today we come to launch an extraordinary work for Irapuatenses; it will be a work that will benefit the inhabitants and those who travel on this section of Highway 45”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

“In my government you will never be alone and we will continue working together for Irapuato,” said the Governor.

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Once this bridge is completed, said the Governor, it will allow the connection of the neighborhoods and communities in the area with the urban area.

It will also allow free passage of motorists on the North Bypass of Irapuato, to connect with the CRIT and towards the urban area, either through Siglo XXI Boulevard or Camino Real Avenue.

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In addition to helping access to the Irapuato Government Center and INFORUM, headquarters of the Fair.

The Secretary of Infrastructure, Connectivity and Mobility -SICOM-, Tarcisio Rodriguez Martinez, explained the technical details of the work that will consist of building a bridge of two concrete clearings with deep foundations, storm drainage, lighting and signage; and could be finished in November.

Mayor of Irapuato, Lorena Alfaro Garcia, said that the joint work between her government and the State offers notable benefits for citizens, such as this bridge.

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Alfaro thanked the Governor for the opportunity to have works like this for the benefit of citizens.

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