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Better streets for Irapuato

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Better streets for Irapuato

State and municipality invested more than 15 million pesos in works to improve the quality of life of the people of Irapuato Civilians receive Gre

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State and municipality invested more than 15 million pesos in works to improve the quality of life of the people of Irapuato

Civilians receive Greatness Coupons, in 2023 more than 10,500 Grandeza Coupons will be delivered to the inhabitants of Irapuato.

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Irapuato/Gto News

Following on her commitment to tour and supervise the progress of infrastructure works in the 46 municipalities of Guanajuato, the Secretary of Social and Human Development –SEDESHU-, Libia Dennise visited Irapuato to deliver rehabilitated streets.


In the Carrizalito community, Libia led the inauguration of Miguel Hidalgo street, paved with hydraulic concrete for the benefit of this and other communities, as well as the San Juanito and El Cristo de Charca subdivisions; it also will improve connectivity with Federal Highway 45.

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“We are going to continue working as a team because what we want is for our families to do better, what we want is for our communities to look more and more beautiful and for you to not stop participating, to not stop trusting your authorities, because believe me, all of us, just like you, get up every day with the great commitment to do more for Guanajuato,” said the secretary.

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“Thank you very much for the rehabilitation of our street, since as we all know, in rainy weather it was becoming chaos to travel in any way,” said Estela Mejía, representing the residents and thanking the State and Municiapal authorities.

With Mayor Lorena Alfaro, Secretary Libia Dennise, inaugurated Roberto Rodriguez street in the Las Heras neighborhood, rehabilitated with hydraulic concrete in which the drinking water, sanitary and storm drainage networks were also restored.

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In addition to the roads, thanks to the Mi Colonia a Color program, the facades of the houses were painted.

This work directly benefits 70 families and the inhabitants of other boroughs such as San Gabriel and Santa Maria, as well as the merchants of the tianguis and visitors.

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Finally, at the GTO Contigo Si Benito Juarez Center, the Grandeza Coupons were delivered in support of the family economy and local commerce; in 2023, more than 10,500 supports will be allocated to the inhabitants of Irapuato.

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