The Governor of Guanajuato inaugurated a Public Health Clinic in Jerecuaro in southern Guanajuato The State Administration invested $41 million pe
The Governor of Guanajuato inaugurated a Public Health Clinic in Jerecuaro in southern Guanajuato
The State Administration invested $41 million pesos in the quality health infrastructure to benefit local families
Jerecuaro/Gto News
As Jerecuaro received the CAISES, a new State Health Clinic, Guanajuato confirms that it has the best State health system in Mexico.

A good investment
Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, the Governor of Guanajuato said that the Health Center had an investment of over 41 million pesos and that it will benefit the families of the South Eastern part of Guanajuato.
“When we say that Guanajuato has the best health system in Mexico, we are not kidding, nor are they only words, it is a reality that you can prove, and the CAISES in Jerecuaro is an example of this”, said the Governor.

High quality service
“I have always believed that we should help people who need it and we must give them the best, we must fully invest in them. This CAISES had a great investment and is at the quality level of a private clinic”, noted Rodriguez Vallejo.
The strength of the State Health System of Guanajuato, said the Governor, has let us face the Covid 19 pandemic, with good infrastructure, equipment, medicines and a well trained staff.

Continuous improvement
“In Guanajuato we have improved the quality of attention, infrastructure, equipment and medicines of the State Health System, such as the clinic we are inaugurating here in Jerecuaro”, said the Governor.
“I am proud of what we are doing here in Guanajuato, we are saving the life of humans, they are not numbers, they are human beings”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

A good work
Guanajuato is one of the Mexican States with the lowest rate of fatalities amid the Covid 19 pandemic, this is the result of all the work we have made in reconverting hospitals, providing equipment and medicines, said the Governor. It is also a State that is among the best in administration of resources for health.
The State Health System is in the first places in Mexico in the use of resources and in transparency in its use (As reported by the Index of Transparency of Expense in Health) reported the Governor.