SSG reports 19 attentions related to heat in Guanajuato in the latest heat crisis to affect Guanajuato Más Gto/Guanajuato The State Health Secr
SSG reports 19 attentions related to heat in Guanajuato in the latest heat crisis to affect Guanajuato
Más Gto/Guanajuato
The State Health Secretary urges the population to maintain preventive care due to high temperatures that can lead to heat stroke or other conditions.

The Secretary of Health, Ligia Arce Padilla, recalled that most heat illnesses occur when people remain exposed to heat for too long, such as exercising or working outdoors.

This year, 12 cases of heatstroke have been reported in the Gto Health System, 4 more of heat exhaustion, one clinical case of dehydration, two cases of sunburn, totaling 19 cases related to high temperatures.
Population at higher risk:
- Older adults, young children, and people who are sick or overweight

The Health Secretary explained that heat-related illnesses include:
- Heat stroke: A life-threatening illness in which the body temperature can rise above 41 degrees Celsius.
Symptoms include dry skin, rapid and strong pulse, dizziness, nausea and confusion. If any of these signs occur, it is important to go to the nearest health center. - Heat exhaustion: An illness that can occur after several days exposed to high temperatures and without enough fluids.
In addition to profuse sweating, rapid breathing and rapid, weak pulse. If left untreated it can precede heat stroke. - Heat Cramps: Muscle pain or spasms that occur during intense exercise.
In general, it can be suffered in the abdomen, arms or legs. - Heat rashes: Skin irritation due to excessive sweating. It is more common in young children.
To reduce the risk of heat illness, it is important to drink fluids to prevent dehydration, replace lost salt and minerals, and limit time exposed to heat.
Arce Padilla urged Guanajuatenses that if necessary they should go to the nearest health unit to request timely medical attention.