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Awarded: ITM, Hannover Messe Mexico

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Awarded: ITM, Hannover Messe Mexico

The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry announced that Industrial Transformation Mexico 2019 was the winner of the “Marketing Prize UFI 202

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The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry announced that Industrial Transformation Mexico 2019 was the winner of the “Marketing Prize UFI 2020”

ITM Hannover Messe awarded 4
The award was well received by those involved in the organization of the event

ITM becomes  the first Mexican exhibit and the first of the group Deutsche Messe in the world to win that prize

Leon/Gto News

In the virtual press conference of Industrial Transformation Mexico and the Annual Reunion of Industrials 2020, Governor of Guanajuato Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, informed that Industrial Transformation Mexico 2019 became the first Mexican exhibition, as well as the first fair of the group Deutsche Messe in the world to be awarded with the prize  “Marketing Prize UFI 2020”.


Exhibitions industry

The Global Association of the Industry of Expositions (UFI, in French) groups and represents the organizers of fairs and propietors of premises for Fairs in the world.

It is a summit association of the industry of exhibitions in the world. It represents 773 organization members in 82 countries and regions of all the world. Since 2010, UFI grants prizes to recognize the best events and noted activities in all the industry of exhibitions.

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ITM: The first Mexican fair recognized with the UFI Prize.

The best strategy

This year, UFI honored Industrial Transformation Mexico 2019, the Hannover Messe of Mexico and Latin America, as the fair with the best strategy in marketing and communication in the world, for its work with a focus on “multi-channel and trans-generational”.

This is the first time Deutsche Messe, a global company with more than 70 years of activities and more than 110 fairs in the world each year, gets this prize in this category and it is the first time that a Mexican fair is honored.

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A good start

“We can confirm today what we saw some months ago at the ITM 2019; it was born with a good star”, said Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, the Governor of Guanajuato.

“A year ago entrepreneurs and students made long lines to go into the fair, since there was enormous enthusiasm. It was the best launch that an event by Deutsche Messe has had in the world in its history, as described by its global CEO, Jochen Köckler”, said the Governor.

ITM Hannover Messe awarded
It was a great event and now it is awarded

New success stories

“Today we are ready to write new pages, new success stories. The prize UFI Marketing Award 2020 motivates us and gives us enthusiasm”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

Also in the event were the General Director of Hannover Fairs Mexico, Bernd Rohde; President of CONCAMIN, Francisco Cervantes; the UFI Regional Director for Latin America, Ana Maria Arango; the Executive Official of the Direction of Digitalization, Technology and agro-business of ONUDI, Alejandro Rivera Rojas; the Director and Representative for Mexico of ONUDI, Guillermo Castella; the General Director of Economy of Leon, Jose Manuel Casanueva de Diego; and the President and CEO of Siemens Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, Alejandro Preinfalk.

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