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Automotive Supply Forum celebrates 10 years

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Automotive Supply Forum celebrates 10 years

To date, 135 purchasing companies with more than 200 business desks have confirmed their participation, as well as more than 477 suppliers This Su

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To date, 135 purchasing companies with more than 200 business desks have confirmed their participation, as well as more than 477 suppliers

This Supplier Forum opens business opportunities for more than 2 thousand 500 MP

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Silao de la Victoria/Gto News

On its 10th anniversary, the Guanajuato AC Automotive Cluster Supplier Forum is positioned as one of the most important business platforms in Latin America and Mexico in terms of for the development of suppliers and the strengthening of the value chain of this sector.


The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo promotes public policies for economic diversification, the acceleration of local companies and the attraction of investments with a higher technological content that result in the generation and preservation of formal and quality jobs.

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The head of the Secretary for Sustainable Economic Development –SDES-, Ramon Alfaro Gomez highlighted the importance of the role of the assembly plants installed in the state -General Motors, Mazda, Honda and Toyota-, as major tractors for the development of the automotive-autoparts sector and its reconfiguration towards Electromobility.

Alfaro Gomez said that Guanajuato is in the first place in Mexico in vehicle production and announced that by the year 2030 more than 1 million vehicles will be produced in Guanajuato that will open opportunities for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises –MIPYMES- from Guanajuato.

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“Great opportunities are coming and we must all be prepared to do what i sour responsibility, government and companies to continue maintaining a competitive and attractive business environment and that above all generates certainty and the rule of law so that the automotive sector of Guanajuato and Mexico continues being a reference in the most important market in the world that is North America”, said Alfaro Gomez.

The Secretary said that the opportunities for local companies are in the areas:

  • Specialized forging processes, tool shops with advanced technology, heat treatment service, special steels and fastening elements
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On the transition of the automotive-auto parts sector towards electromobility, Alfaro Gomez added that Guanajuato alreaduy manufactures products such as:

  • Flexible sleeves, harnesses, connectors, controllers, pipes, rubber profiles, bearings, aluminum injected battery casings, battery chargers for electric vehicles, fluid conduction systems, tires, among other

The Continuous Improvement Manager of the Guanajuatense company Seguridad Tecnica –SETEC-, Carolina de los Reyes spoke about her experience over the years in the Forum to be able to join as a provider of security services to automotive companies.

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“In our experience over the years participating in the Forum, we can say that this is a space where we create long-term supply chains, it is a space for collaboration where we can find business opportunities in one place, we can also do business community and know the requirements of the global market and be able to offer our clients a current value offer”, said De los Reyes.

As a representative of the purchasing companies, the Purchasing Manager of BOS Automotive, Alexandra Buitron highlighted the importance of bringing together professionals from the sector in one place to establish personal and professional relationships, as well as the importance of increasing the percentage of local suppliers.

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“One of our great challenges is to concentrate suppliers, especially if they are regional, there is a great opportunity to strengthen our portfolio, we know that we have to accompany them and develop them with tools to be suppliers,” said Buitron.

The Automotive Supplier Forum to be held on September 20 and 21 at the Poliforum Leon is expected to attract 6,000 visitors who will explore more than 2,800 business opportunities in addition to participating in other activities such as:

  • Conferences, networking, Pavilion 4.0 and exhibition area

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