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‘Autolab 4.0’ strengthens training

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‘Autolab 4.0’ strengthens training

The goals is to train and reinforce useful knowledge for companies on general working conditions and labor regulations Work is under way so that r

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The goals is to train and reinforce useful knowledge for companies on general working conditions and labor regulations

Work is under way so that rights and obligations of companies with their workers are better known

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Silao/Gto News

In the forum “General  active working conditions in workers and companies”, the Undersecretary of Labor and Social Welfare, Marco Rodriguez Vazquez, presented the AUTOLAB 4.0 Program.


The Head of the Undersecretary of Labor and Social Welfare, emphasized that in Guanajuato, it is a priority that companies comply with labor regulations for the benefit of workers.

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The “Autolab 4.0” Program contemplates actions in training and reinforcement of useful knowledge for companies on general working conditions and labor regulations.

“The objective is that they comply with current legislation, so that their workers are in the conditions established by law, so that the workplaces are more productive and more competitive,” said Rodriguez Vazquez.

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“AutoLab 4.0” has as its purpose, pointed out Rodriguez Vazquez to provide knowledge and advice on labor regulations to employers, human resurces en recruiters and employer representatives, to achieve full respect of labor rights and facilitate compliance with regulations in this area, preventing any conflict.

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The Governor of Guanajuato instructed to promote public policies oriented to improve the quality of life of Guanajuato citizens, and in these efforts there are valuable allies that allow him to add to the construction of a better work environment, as well as a economic and social development.

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